【 突發】第二輪炮火!行動升級!除咗取消港共外國護照,我地正式開辟聯合國人道罪行戰線!

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2019-06-14 00:04:10
幫手整合左個email,方便大家一次過send 哂出去,請各位幫手推呢個comment,有錯請指出


email標題(我自己諗):Desperate Request for Action on Breach of Human Rights by HK Police Force

To whom it may concern,
We are a group of concerned ordinary Hong Kong citizens in direct opposition of the Extradition Bill
proposed by the Hong Kong SAR Government, which, once passed, could result in unjust surrenders of
Hong Kong citizens to the People’s Republic of China. Out of extreme frustration and hopelessness, we are
writing with utmost concern for such a breach of human rights by the Hong Kong Police Force
In the protests over the last few days, as you might be aware, the HKPF has created ugly scenes by
adopting excessive force against the vast majority of peaceful protesters, examples include the misuse and
overuse of tear gas, bean bags and rubber bullets. The use of excessive force is clearly shown from a long list of evidences, where no proper justification is possible to be made.
The Hong Kong Police Force and the Hong Kong Government, regrettably, denied the abuse of violence and shifted the blame onto the protesters.
We have prepared the attached open letter, and would like to ask for your assistance in sending it to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RIghts at urgent-action@ohchr.org, requesting their
urgent action to call an investigation into HKPF’s conduct, and denounce HKPF’s conduct. We also
welcome you to issue a statement to express your concerns on HKPF’s breach of human rights.

Yours faithfully,
A group of ordinary Hong Kong citizens

Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
應該係Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human RIghts 先啱

Fact-checked左: https://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/Torture/SRTorture/Pages/Appeals.aspx

2019-06-14 00:04:38
2019-06-14 00:04:46
2019-06-14 00:05:05

2019-06-14 00:05:06
2019-06-14 00:05:09
2019-06-14 00:05:25
想問下面友好組織名單 Google Drive link 係咪死左?
2019-06-14 00:05:26
2019-06-14 00:05:33
2019-06-14 00:05:52
2019-06-14 00:05:58
2019-06-14 00:06:02
2019-06-14 00:06:03
用Facebook 做source 會唔會唔係幾好
2019-06-14 00:06:14
睇 #2451 個個懶人包, 暫時最update
2019-06-14 00:06:20
2019-06-14 00:06:31
2019-06-14 00:06:41
加油啊 辛苦大家
2019-06-14 00:06:58
幫唔到咩手 加油
2019-06-14 00:07:12
2019-06-14 00:07:16
2019-06-14 00:07:30
2019-06-14 00:07:50
各位 發揮連登力量上fb同5毛account死過
2019-06-14 00:08:02
2019-06-14 00:08:10
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞