thx 巴打

BTW 準備send email嗰陣grammarly幫我改咗少少
To whom it may concern,
We are a group of concerned Hong Kong citizens standing against the amendment of Extradition Bill proposed by the Hong Kong SAR Government. Unjust surrenders of Hong Kong citizens to the People’s Republic of China can
result once the bill of
the amendment is passed. In order to express our concern and worry over the proposal, peaceful demonstrations have been carried out since 9 June 2019.
On both 9 and 12 June 2019, that you might be aware of, Hong Kong Police Force (HKPF) has created ugly scenes by the use of excessive force against
the vast majority of peaceful protesters and journalists. Over 150 tear gas canisters, several rounds of rubber bullets, and 20 beanbag shots were fired, along with Special Tactical Squads beating up unarmed protesters during the protest clearance.
The unnecessary force was adopted by HKPF and such act is unjustifiable. Regrettably, HKPF and the Hong Kong SAR Government denied the misuse of violence and shifted the blame onto the protesters. Out of extreme frustration, we are writing with
the utmost concern for such breach of human rights by HKPF.
We would like to invite you to send the attached letter to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees at, requesting their urgent action to call for an investigation into HKPF’s conduct, and denounce HKPF’s act. You are also welcome to issue a statement to express concerns on HKPF’s breach of human rights.
Yours faithfully,
A group of Hong Kong citizens