[緊急] 612 組織BC及BNO人到英領遞交聯署信


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醉權甘迺迪 2019-06-11 09:17:05
志村新八. 2019-06-11 09:25:57
邪惡小狗與小雪豹 2019-06-11 09:53:56
鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2019-06-11 10:49:45
鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2019-06-11 10:50:01
渣理布朗 2019-06-11 10:54:58
小僱員 2019-06-11 10:57:42
JOIN 明天見
青山居士 2019-06-11 11:10:44
鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2019-06-11 11:50:48
志村新八. 2019-06-11 11:55:41
清湯魚腐炸醬小米 2019-06-11 11:56:32
我本bno岩岩寄左去英國續緊 但有passport number 去唔去得?
清湯魚腐炸醬小米 2019-06-11 11:57:34
會唔會開個tg group睇下有幾多人會去 同傾下集合詳情?
認真便嬴了 2019-06-11 12:00:51
小僱員 2019-06-11 12:06:31
鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2019-06-11 12:08:47
➒安杜美斯(Kane) 2019-06-11 12:11:48
返緊工 而家食飯先有時間再搞封聯署信
不如大家睇最尾個PART大家想英國做啲乜 萬一修例通過
幫手改GRAMMER 字眼亦可

June 12, 2019

Andrew Heyn OBE
Consul General to Hong Kong & Macao,
British Consulate-General Hong Kong

Petition Letter
by a Group of British Citizens and British Nationals (Overseas) in Hong Kong

Your Excellency,

We are writing urgently to express our deepest concern for a currently proposed change to the Fugitives Offenders Ordinance (often referred to as Extradition Law) put forward by the government of Hong Kong.

On 9th Jun 2019, a million of Hong Kong people has marched a day and night onto the streets to protest against the introduction of this proposed extradition law. Hong Kong currently has extradition agreements with 18 countries, including the UK and four other EU member states. The proposed amendment will extend extradition coverage to laws of communist mainland China. This bill, if passed, will pose an imminent threat to civil rights of and the very safety to British nationals with connections to or living in Hong Kong.

Although the Chief Executive Carrie Lam has given assurances that there will be room for further discussions and there will be safeguards in place, we do not trust the legal system in China nor do we trust that the government of Hong Kong will stand up against Chinese authorities.

We ask, if this bill was passed by the Legislative Council, the UK government consider:
• to take further action to oppose the introduction of this extradition law for Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and freedoms enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration;
• to examine the possibility for BN(O) passport holders to reside in the UK and/or the Commonwealth member states.

Yours Sincerely,
A Group of British Citizens and British Nationals (Overseas) in Hong Kong
鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2019-06-11 12:13:44

鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2019-06-11 12:27:10
➒安杜美斯(Kane) 2019-06-11 12:27:57
志村新八. 2019-06-11 12:28:25
鮮嫩多汁雪兔 2019-06-11 12:30:10
➒安杜美斯(Kane) 2019-06-11 12:34:46
We ask, if this bill was passed by the Legislative Council, the UK government consider:

• to take further actions to oppose the introduction of this extradition law for Hong Kong’s high degree of autonomy and freedoms enshrined in the Sino-British Joint Declaration;

to officially declare a breach by China on the Sino-British Joint Declaration should the government of Hong Kong and Beijing continue to neglect the further actions taken by the UK and the international communities; also

• to consider, in the United Nations, the possibility of voiding the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 2908 that deprived Hong Kong people of the right to self-determination;

• to examine the possibility for BN(O) passport holders to reside in the UK and/or some member states of the Commonwealth. Some British overseas territories such as Gibraltar and the Falkland Islands might also be considered.
➒安杜美斯(Kane) 2019-06-11 12:39:20
- 有無人盡快幫手開TG Group? 統計幾多bc及bno參與.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞