Sell Side Analyst 係香港有冇前景?

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2019-04-14 11:31:18
compared to ibank front office positiond, fund house pays lower but better hours

but just on am, bank owns pay lower than pure play in general. e financial did a study couple of years back in the UK. but having said that it really depends on u were in a rotational program or what.

also, bigger question is whether pure play performs better than bank owned. seen a study on that many years ago

dont worry about bonus is gonna be crap for the foreseeable future for the industry...
2019-04-14 11:31:36

not sure about other dept
2019-04-14 12:51:35
我做個間都算係sticky money
2019-04-14 12:59:32
Haha may be I'm your colleague....
2019-04-14 14:54:47
always heard that er is cost centre, scared off lots of ppl... but I think the path and exit opp shd be ok since can switch back to other fo roles which are not that technical...and actually all bo can be considered as cost centre lol
2019-04-14 15:45:15
上年年尾出左隻thematic fund?
2019-04-15 21:08:51
2019-04-15 21:31:50
extremely important for buyside and sellside fo
2019-04-15 22:08:22
2019-04-15 22:17:55
可以去做pe real estate fund
好似有人做領展investment轉左去blackstone real estate team
2019-04-15 22:24:35
因為聽講 香港係睇重綜合能力姐係GPA target school,唔多好似wall st咁睇好重networking
2019-04-15 22:27:12
要靠work experience同interview skills 同學歷 cv
除非connection係你老豆d fd
2019-04-15 22:47:07
compared to the US, probably less relationship driven in HK
I agree school brand matters a lot

The thing is that if you study for example at an ivy, you can go to these ivy events in HK every week/month, you can meet tons of people from ibanks / pe / hf and easily build up your network which can help a lot in your long-term career

GPA is important for your first job out of college
2019-04-15 22:51:34
True, personal relationships are probably not that important in the beginning of your career. However, as you progress, relationship is everything
2019-04-16 06:49:12
做三年野 考GMAT讀MBA再recruit
2019-04-17 03:40:26
1月份俾一間蚊型buy side裁員,舊人工2萬,而家搵咗幾個月工,開價越來越低都冇人請,點辦?
好想好想做大buy side,仲有無可能?
2019-04-17 16:37:00
有冇搵下sellside research contract工?大buyside真係冇咩可能
2019-04-17 20:30:14
點為之大buyside? AUM 100B 起跳?
2019-04-17 20:48:25
之前果間100mm aum,極細,有d後悔入咗
2019-04-17 21:03:13
2019-04-17 23:04:45
Citi好撚慘 搬哂牛頭角
2019-05-22 15:31:40
Hey man do u look at south East Asian markets, Africa maybe?
2019-05-22 15:58:30
ASEAN, sort of
EMEA, no
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