Sell Side Analyst 係香港有冇前景?

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2019-04-02 12:22:10
Research Analyst Fresh Grad大約幾錢人工?
做三至五年後如果表現幾好既有咩出路? 人工加得快唔快?

如果fixed income同equity揀又揀邊個好啲?
2019-04-02 12:23:17
2019-04-02 12:37:10
真係? 反而唔係英文好重要啲?
2019-04-02 13:13:27
2019-04-02 13:15:09
冇錯 唔係大陸人已經輸左半
2019-04-02 14:01:42
咁如果做幾年搏入buy side會唔會好啲? 定buy side更加係大陸人有優勢?
2019-04-02 15:22:48
2019-04-02 16:25:04
2019-04-02 20:04:10
2019-04-03 00:02:56
2019-04-03 00:32:22
everything written is in English, but unless u cover hk local companies which arent that many left, otherwise u need to have good contact to know what's going on in your industry and being a main lander helps.
having said that, seems that u r fresh grad anyway....being a RA is like playing with all the models and data collection...good training to your modelling and excel skill

get a few years in sell side and jump to buy side...standard career path. hk is pretty diversified, hell a lot of hk, ABC BBC CBC Malaysia really like a UN...and central is still English driven not mandarin.
2019-04-03 08:06:38
fixed income is more stable, but less exit opportunities.
equities is more harsh life, but more exit opportunities.
2019-04-03 08:09:30
sell-side 中資公司真係大陸人天下, 你唔係大陸人已經輸30%.....
btw, 如果無sell-side exp, 一開始就做buy-side, 晉升機會會唔會差D ??

背景: 非audit 非banking MT 廢J
2019-04-03 08:31:52

當然你係大陸人更好。Sell side最重要係corporate access, 而香港大陸公司為主,你同管理層文化相近自然問到多啲嘢

不過fg唔好諗咁多,入到點都入,始終係個good training去學下啲基本skills同埋自己捱夜既能力

老老實實buy side opening唔多,而且更加中資當道,無人脈較難入,junior position好少少
2019-04-03 08:32:39
wow thank you, yes I will cover mainland companies in general and focus on fixed income products in a sell side company (not even an ibank lol) if I pick up the job.

I am quite confident in my skillset and language ability, and even my career interest, but just wanna know how much can I earn averagely if I walk on an ordinary path. I read some news about that the future of research analyst would get worse following the MiFID II rule changes, especially for ficc analyst.

Since recently I am facing a hard time making decision when it comes to salary versus career interest, that's why I really want to have some explicit numerical information such as expected future salary to clear my mind and support my decision...would love to hear more from you
2019-04-03 08:34:21
外 但唔係ibank
2019-04-03 08:36:19
thanks! do you know if people can change from ficc to equity? or once I get started, i can never go back?
2019-04-03 08:39:39
自問廣東話,英普都還好 但真係冇乜connection 亦冇父幹
2019-04-03 08:43:14
mifid has less impact to fixed income than equity
is really pain in the ass for both sides in equity so much paper work to do let alone less to spend...

I wouldn't worry about salary too much esp u r just at the start of your will come, more importantly is it the job for u.

less worry on language if u r on the credit side la...possible to switch to equity seen that happen before
2019-04-03 08:45:24
明白 我都唔覺得自己會直入到buy side

照咁講 如果我入到大陸sell side公司 又有正常表現 咁做3-5年大約會有幾多人工?
2019-04-03 08:57:58
人工睇你咩tier的行,同埋你條team的ii ranking。唔識ficc, 但equity如果你跟到個star analyst, 學野會快啲,同埋人工職位會水漲船高

以前最top的analyst可以千萬年薪,一般勁的vp grade 大行計,2-3球港紙(before bonus) 。fg 30k above, 肯俾心機做加埋少少際遇做6-8年升到vp
2019-04-03 08:58:50
做Buy Side啦
做幾年跳去equity house
2019-04-03 09:01:42
I see, actually I dont have preference over ficc or equity, but I select ficc becoz I thought the bond market is more impactful and has more money invested globally. Therefore I would definitely open to switch to equity side in future if the package is better.

and I have been working for 2 years in sales field, tho in fin corp but not quite technical, not what I am interested. But the salary is not bad, if I switch to ficc analyst (the new job), I will have a ~30% decrease in salary...that's why I am really facing hard time choose...
2019-04-03 09:03:46
無前景架喇俾mifid 2搞到
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞