頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒


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我係暖男 2019-03-18 11:51:32
喜憨兒 2019-03-18 11:52:46

which church?
騷思黑茶 2019-03-18 11:52:56
the company is trash, you run railway like crap
and train with ya cracked track, as big as no check
the red, blue and purple, ruin the day,
Downs the signals just like a revolution, here to say
You see the mock, trust the flops
and never start the work to kill flaw
Took our monies before you leave like an legend?
我話ok就得 there's no problem

自由市場HK 2019-03-18 11:54:07
潘塤傳 2019-03-18 11:55:02
死魚眼 2019-03-18 11:56:23
Metro 2019:Hong Kong
黑劍 2019-03-18 11:57:10
龍門任你擺 車門笠晒
殺手基沙文 2019-03-18 11:58:01
垃圾00後 2019-03-18 12:00:59
渣理布朗 2019-03-18 12:01:33
天水圍電車男 2019-03-18 12:01:37
時亨已睡 全港已睡
聯手舔共 高官冇罪
停車有罪 系統有罪
毫不畏懼 炒車壯舉

M-T-R is trash, it all crashes like crack
an increase on the fare tag, no more a pay back
the red, blue and purple, ruin the day,
Downs the signals just like a revolution, here to say
I break the lock, bust my chops
and never wait the cops to say stop
Fuck your mother before you fade like an illusion
我話ok就得 there's no problem

頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒
一早醒覺 早知鐵路又再壞
櫈被拆解 逐層逐塊 碰爛了的器械
頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒
不想改進只想加價 未算壞
看地鐵中 特權大晒 變賣我港似猶大


紅色線壞 綠色線壞
藍色線壞 通通都壞
年初有事 年中有事
年底有事 全港嚇驚

頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒
一早醒覺 早知鐵路又再壞
鐵路瓦解 萬人膜拜 讚頌我黨偉大
頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒
訊號試鐘 暫停莫怪 我話我啲嘢無壞
拉登仔 2019-03-18 12:02:01
最後一句, 誰敢來屌蟹唔多夾喎
飛機上的硬膠 2019-03-18 12:02:35

M-T-R is crap, all the lines are dead
And going to work is worse than jumping a trap
The red, blue purple lines ruin the day
The signal’s down just like a revolution,
here to say it hit the dock , bust the blocks
And never wait the cop to say stop
Here comes 沙中 and it’s fading in oblivion
我話ok就得, there is no problem

我識條春 2019-03-18 12:05:36
Almighty 2019-03-18 12:06:11
時亨聽名 列車拒停 民怨積下 深宵革命
程式抗命 車廂放定 全速索命 香港尾聲
連接錯誤 2019-03-18 12:06:23
天下第一膠 2019-03-18 12:06:24
包皮太短 2019-03-18 12:07:16

歌名: Metro 2019:Hong Kong

時亨已睡 全港已睡
聯手舔共 中產冇罪
停車有罪 系統有罪
毫不畏懼 炒車壯舉

the company is trash, you run railway like crap
and train with ya cracked track, as big as no check
the red, blue and purple, ruin the day,
Downs the signals just like a revolution, here to say
You see the mock, trust the flops
and never start the work to kill flaw
Took our monies before you leave like an legend?
我話ok就得 there's no problem

頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒
一早醒覺 早知鐵路又再壞
櫈被拆解 逐層逐塊 碰爛了的器械
龍門任你擺 車門笠晒
不想改進只想加價 未算壞
看地鐵中 特權大晒 變賣我港似猶大

紅色線壞 綠色線壞
藍色線壞 通通都壞
年初有事 年中有事
年底有事 全港嚇驚

頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒
鐵路瓦解 萬人膜拜 讚頌我黨偉大
條路任我踩 中環塞曬 金鐘駛近點知一嘢又撞壊
訊號試鐘 暫停莫怪 我話我啲嘢無壞
貓專員 2019-03-18 12:08:02
豆腐火腩飯 2019-03-18 12:09:16
btw=between 2019-03-18 12:09:21
時亨已睡 全港已睡
聯手舔共 中產冇罪
停車有罪 系統有罪
毫不畏懼 炒車壯舉

he company is trash, I shoot suckers like crack
and attack with my tire track, as big as pay back
the red, blue and purple, ruin the day,
Downs the signals just like a revolution, here to say
I break the lock, bust my chops
and never wait the cops to say stop
Fuck your mother before you fade like an illusion
我話ok就得 there's no problem

頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒
一早醒覺 早知鐵路(港鐵)又再壞
櫈被拆解 逐層逐塊 碰爛了的器械
頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒
不想改進只想加價 未算(任佢)
看地鐵中 特權大晒 變賣我港似猶大


紅色線壞 綠色線壞
藍色線壞 通通都壞.
年初有事 年中有事
年底有事 全港嚇驚

頭搖又尾擺 車門笠晒
一早醒覺 早知鐵路又再壞
鐵路瓦解 萬人膜拜 讚頌我黨偉大
條路(龍)任我踩 中環塞曬 金鐘駛近點知一嘢撞到壊
訊號試鐘 暫停莫怪 我話我啲嘢唔壞

01749 2019-03-18 12:10:18
阿輝(後生) 2019-03-18 12:11:17
鴨咀插陰道 2019-03-18 12:11:41
無無明亦無無明盡 2019-03-18 12:12:38
And steel bars contractors told to chop?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞