the company is trash, you run railway like crap
and train with ya cracked track, as big as no check
the red, blue and purple, ruin the day,
Downs the signals just like a revolution, here to say
You see the mock, trust the flops
and never start the work to kill flaw
Took our monies before you leave like an legend?
我話ok就得 there's no problem
龍門任你擺 急停境界
特權大哂 變賣我黨作壞
條路任我踩 中環塞曬 金鐘駛近點知一嘢撞到壊
鐵路瓦解 萬人膜拜
紅色線壞 綠色線壞
藍色線壞 紫色線壞
年初有事 年中有事
年底有事 全港嚇驚
M-T-R is crap, all the lines are dead
And going to work is worse than jumping a trap
The red, blue purple lines ruin the day
The signal’s down just like a revolution,
here to say it hit the dock , bust the blocks
And never wait the cop to say stop
Here comes 沙中 and it’s fading in oblivion
我話ok就得, there is no problem