[推到完場] 2018年美國中期選舉討論區

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2018-11-03 11:21:46
2018-11-03 11:25:37
民主黨梗係日日搵料彈劾侵侵啦 ,仲得閒去中國咩,彈下彈下過多兩年因為咁拖住,侵侵做唔到嘢,Democrat又應承派多d蛇齋餅綜,d人咪識投民主黨候選人LOL,咪睇得民主黨咁肯合作,侵取消晒奧巴馬最後幾個政策已經令到Democrat相當憤慨喇
2018-11-03 11:28:57
2018-11-03 11:29:02
民主黨最後實同人講一齊建造民主中國 ,然後繼續彈劾侵侵
2018-11-03 11:37:22

我呢幾年都一直問自己,民主政制面對專制帝國打超限戰,究竟有無能力抵抗?侵既出現證明民族主義係西方文明既基礎同救贖,亦證明左就算佈滿賣國賊,美國公民仍然有能力fight back,捍衛國家。

2018-11-03 12:02:49
Basket of deplorable
2018-11-03 12:05:19

3/11/2018 6:02


美國有超過3千萬選民, 在下星期二的中期選舉前提早投票, 超過了2014年中期選舉的提早投票總人數, 顯示今次選舉的整體投票率會很高.

至少28個州的提早投票總人數, 都超過2014年的數字. 今次中期選舉, 至今有3060萬選民提早投票, 來自48個州, 部分州仍在接收缺席投票. 共和民主兩黨的分析家, 及獨立政論人士都表示, 今次中期選舉的投票率可達百分之50, 是自從1960年代以來, 中期選舉少見的投票率.

共和黨的總統特朗普, 和民主黨的前總統奧巴馬, 爭取時間為本黨的候選人拉票. 特朗普挾著理想的10月份就業數據, 去到西弗吉尼亞州, 為共和黨候選人站台, 他表示, 在總統競選運動期間向美國人所作的承諾, 在他上任後已超額完成.

奧巴馬就去邁阿密和亞特蘭大, 為民主黨候選人拉票.
2018-11-03 13:22:33

Republicans are continuing to see strong early-vote turnout in key battleground states, potentially boosting their chances for at least holding the Senate even as analysts see Democrats holding the overall edge in the battle for House control.

Three states with toss-up Senate races report early-voting totals by party registration: Arizona, Florida and Nevada. In all three, the share of the early vote coming from registered Republicans rose several percentage points when compared with 2016.

In Arizona, for example, the share of early voters who are registered Republicans is up 3.5 percentage points from 2016. The share of Democrats is up 1.6 points, while unaffiliated voters are down 5.1 points. In that state, Democrat Kyrsten Sinema is locked in a tight race against Republican Martha McSally.
2018-11-03 13:28:25

Washington (CNN) — Early voting ahead of the midterm elections continues to skyrocket.

Based on data provided by Catalist, a data company that works with Democrats and others to compile these counts of early ballots cast before Election Day, either in person or by mail, at least 12 states have already surpassed where their early voting numbers were in 2014. Two states have just outpaced their early voting at this point in the 2016 presidential election: Kansas by almost 25,000 votes and West Virginia by over 1,000 votes. This could signal voter excitement this year, but it also tracks with a general move toward early voting in the US.
2018-11-03 19:00:23
2018-11-04 11:22:16
2018-11-04 12:19:06

Generic Ballot : D +7

Heading into Tuesday’s critical midterm elections, Democrats retain their advantage in the
battle for the House, but Republicans could be buoyed by increasingly positive assessments of the economy and by President Trump’s harsh focus on the issues of immigration and border security, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News national poll.

The poll finds that registered voters prefer Democratic candidates for the House over Republican candidates by 50 percent to 43 percent. That marks a slight decline from last month, when Democrats led on the generic congressional ballot by 11 points, and a bigger drop from August, when they enjoyed a 14-point advantage.

Democrats’ also have a 51-to- 44 percent advantage among likely voters identified by The Post. That seven-point margin, which is in line with other polls taken in the past two weeks, puts Democrats roughly within range of what they probably will need in the overall national vote for the House to capture a majority from the Republicans, based on calculations from previous midterm campaigns.

2018-11-05 09:05:27
Hacking allegation shows peril of Georgia Republican's twin election roles


(Reuters) - The Republican candidate in Georgia’s governor’s race, who also oversees the state’s elections, accused Democrats on Sunday of trying to hack voter registration systems, a move analysts said highlighted the inherent conflict between his twin roles.

The contest between Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp and Democrat Stacey Abrams, who is vying to become the United States’ first black female governor, had already become a flashpoint for allegations of voter suppression.

Kemp drew more national attention to the contest early on Sunday with a statement making the hacking allegation but offering no supporting evidence. State Democratic Party officials quickly denied the charge.
2018-11-05 09:06:32
Trump, Obama tout clashing visions of U.S. as elections near


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Barack Obama made dueling election appearances on Sunday, offering sharply different views on the country’s problems but agreeing on the high stakes for voters in the final 48 hours of a tight campaign.

With opinion polls showing dozens of tight U.S. congressional and gubernatorial races in Tuesday’s election, the current and former presidents said the results would determine what kind of country Americans live in for the next two years.

“This election will decide whether we build on this extraordinary prosperity we have created,” Trump told a cheering crowd in Macon, Georgia, warning that Democrats would “take a giant wrecking ball to our economy.”

Trump campaigned with Georgia Secretary of State Brian Kemp, who is in a tight race with Democrat Stacey Abrams for the governor’s office.

Obama condemned Trump, without addressing him by name, and Republicans for what he described as their divisive policies and repeated lies. He hammered Trump and Republicans for repeatedly trying to repeal his signature healthcare law while at the same time claiming to support the law’s protections for those with pre-existing conditions.

“The only check right now on the behavior of these Republicans is you and your vote,” Obama told supporters in Gary, Indiana, during a rally for endangered Democratic Senator Joe Donnelly. “The character of our country is on the ballot,” he said.
2018-11-05 10:09:05
特朗普首度承認 共和黨或失眾議院控制權

美國中期選舉周二(11月6日)舉行前夕,美國總統特朗普(Donald Trump)周五(2日)在西維珍尼亞州出席一個競選集會,首次公開承認共和黨可能無法保住其在眾議院多數派地位、失去該院控制權。





2018-11-05 11:14:51
2018-11-05 17:30:19
2018-11-05 17:31:23
2018-11-05 17:32:01
morning shock
2018-11-05 17:35:55
只不過民主黨係唔支持關稅打中國 應該直接制裁中國

見到習總今日講嗰翻話似傾向低頭 但估應該都係暫時性
2018-11-05 17:48:01
+3 係邊到睇到,我睇同一個機制仲係+6
2018-11-05 17:49:52
538 Latest Polls
2018-11-05 17:52:51
d只領先r 3%??
2018-11-05 17:55:14
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞