[整合!!!]各位鍵盤戰士 依場仗只係啱啱開始!!!! 入嚟跟住做 盡一分力救香港!

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2018-10-15 02:07:22
見到香港無乜傳媒報過去美國領事館單嘢 咁我地自己搞撚大佢 等全世界都知咩事 屌佢老母!!!!!!

依場仗只係開始 我地嘅目標係要清楚話俾美帝知 你要支那死 就要幫我地
2018-10-15 02:08:55
Facebook :
美國領事 https://www.facebook.com/USAinHKMacau/
美國領事 https://www.facebook.com/317451486051/posts/10156920430356052/
Trump facebook https://www.facebook.com/DonaldTrump/videos/1949108175174892

Twitter : https://twitter.com/USAinHKMacau?lang=en

Reddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/9o2xyq/hong_kong_people_are_gathering_at_the_gate_of_the/?utm_source=reddit-android


佢兩位都係Fox news嘅記者
而佢地嘅ig係冇藍色tick 即係好大機會係個人用戶
只要佢地開手機 就有機會見到大家dm

外國傳媒 : https://www.facebook.com/cnn/

2018-10-15 02:10:35
有巴打幫手翻譯咗啲有用嘅句子可以俾大家copy去唔同page forum

香港政府有計劃以現時國際特殊地位響個方面去支援支那同美國打經濟戰. 提議美國盡快通過美國香港人權民主法, 凍結香港政策法以保護美國利益

The Hong Kong Government is trying to capitalize on the city’s unique role in international trade and relationship to favor Communist China’s effort in the current heated trade dispute against USA. America, please stand up for equality and justice to pass Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act in the Congress to establishes punitive measures against government officials in Hong Kong or mainland China who are responsible for suppressing basic freedoms in Hong Kong.

Trump同你三唔識七 做乜要幫你,大家應該講:

The Hong Kong Goverment is abandoning the long-term mutually beneficial relationship with the United States to favor China’s effort in the current trade dispute.
2018-10-15 02:12:20

Dear Mr. Donald J. Trump
U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau
The White House,

The Hong Kong Government is planning to utilise its position as the Special Administrative Region to aid China in the trade war. We sincerely urge you to pass the Hong Kong Human Rights and Democracy Act as soon as possible, as well as freezing the assets of the Hong Kong government officials in United States to protect your people's interest.


Hey @realDonaldTrump, please let the @USAinHKMacau help the students and those protestors in HK. I am sure you still remember the recent FCC visa issue #freeHongKong

@realDonaldTrump @USAinHKMacau
Please express your concern to hk gov in putting Hong Kong's reserves into a mega reclamation project that likely sponsor Communist party of China for the trade war! #FreeHongKong

@realDonaldTrump @USAinHKMacau
The hong kong dummy gorvernment is proposing a $10,000,000,000,000HKD reclamation project which will ultimately benefits beijing. We must not let beijing to find a chance to strike back on the trade war! Please re-evaluate the us-hk act in order to stop this! #FreeHongKong

Dear @realDonaldTrump @USAinHKMacau
Hong Kong Government is intending to send nearly all the financial reserve to the RPC through constructing a new island in Hong Kong #hongkongpolicyaddress
Please stop the action of RPC in order to win the trade war! #FreeHongKong

注意 Twitter 留言要加下表情符號
2018-10-15 02:13:02
2018-10-15 02:14:04
大家要幫手推 唔好俾佢沉!
2018-10-15 02:14:48
2018-10-15 02:16:39
2018-10-15 02:17:35
2018-10-15 02:18:03
2018-10-15 02:18:09
2018-10-15 02:18:33
2018-10-15 02:18:47

整咗一個eye catching 啲嘅
2018-10-15 02:19:17
2018-10-15 02:19:37
2018-10-15 02:20:35
2018-10-15 02:20:35
殺到埋嚟 要做嘢啦!
2018-10-15 02:22:03
2018-10-15 02:22:25
2018-10-15 02:22:55
香港起基建 關美國佬撚事
去都去林奠屋企啦 傻閪
2018-10-15 02:24:39
2018-10-15 02:25:08
2018-10-15 02:25:23
2018-10-15 02:25:42
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞