然後點出:We were informed that the meeting was requested by North Korea —— 我們被告知,提出會面的是北韓。為何有 We were informed 之說?提醒世界,金正恩不跟我川普同一級,美國與北韓無外交關係,你的請求是由下面呈上來,我才知道。這一句,強調美國不會與世界上某些國家有任何眼神接觸(No eye contact )。
即使如此,I was very much looking forward to being there with you —— 這句又忽然增加了一點個人的親切。一冷一暖,令收信的那個人引發綺想,這是很高明的文字心戰。
附帶一句:Look forward to 之後,一定要用being,而不是 be。這是大量香港人台灣人學寫英文時最易犯的錯誤。當然,如果你認為你是強大的中國人,喜歡怎樣改變英文文法就怎樣改寫,亦無不可。
然後,這一句就有凱撒大帝式的氣派:Please let this letter serve to represent that the Singapore summit, for the good of both parties, but to the detriment of the world, will not take place.
全文主旨至此出場,所以這一句姿態極高,語氣冷漠,有如法庭向一名小民發出的傳令。Let this letter serve to represent ,本可改作:Let this letter serve to inform you ,但川普沒有,因為這樣寫就太露蔑視的痕跡。
然後忽又趨感性:I felt a wonderful dialogue was building up between you and me, and ultimately, it is only that dialogue that matters. 回憶我倆,畢竟曾經有過一段緣份,讓我們共記那段好時光。將來若此緣未了,讓我們再遇上。