LIHKG IOS 更新完之後,Adblock 係咪廢撚咗? (3)

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2018-07-10 06:56:36
2018-07-10 17:49:04
2018-07-12 14:42:09
2018-07-12 14:55:06
2018-07-20 22:42:38
Adblock連twitch 九巴都block唔到了
2018-07-20 22:44:46
而加我係搵唔到唔洗full vpn 既adblock app
2018-07-20 22:52:38
2018-07-21 13:08:34
OK, 我轉左Adguard pro 啦. 佢仍然係full vpn 個隻做法, 即係會見vpn 個字. 不過block 到晒我要用既app 既野, so far stable.

而且佢有2個mode. 一個mode 係揀dns mode, 用dns 黎block ad. 另一個係用filter. 而filter 係唔洗自己入, 佢識幫你subscribe 你要既filter list, 自己background update.

我借人地既圖, 佢subscribe 左幾個filter list. 每個都有2萬幾domain, 都係好快速開到.

2018-07-22 12:33:04
deveolper 回應。。係reddit

avatar_adg• 1d
Tbf, I should have got used to it after the first time it happened, when we got booted from Google Play. But no, every time it is like the first time - disappointment and frustration.

It's just the way the things are - if you develop an ad blocker or even a tracker blocker (that's a PC name for ad blocking anyway), you have to be ready that one day they will come for you.

A few things to clarify about the current state of things:

AdGuard Pro will not vanish. We will keep it available for as long as possible, and it will not stop working. It will just receive no updates for quite a while.

It is still the closest thing to the regular ad blockers you use on the desktop. There is a bright side to what happened: we no more need to spend weeks on debugging strange networking issues, and instead, we can focus on the Safari content blocking side improvements. And there is a LOT we can improve.

AdGuard DNS does not go away, and it can always be used for the system-wide blocking. Furthermore, an installable and configurable version of AdGuard DNS is coming soon (thinking about naming it "AdGuard Home") which will then evolve into more than just a DNS. Block this, Apple.

佢個dns system wide block 係無問題, 係個filtering 應該無update. 其實同之前Adblock futuremind 一樣, 你係佢update 停左而家最好嘅function 之前。。。download 左佢先
2018-07-22 13:35:08
最重要既事我已經做左, 就係download 左個ipa 落黎. 佢如果因為apple 要再改, 我都有backup...

2018-07-22 16:27:06
已經係華強北搵到pixel 3 pixel 3xl 既貼
2018-07-22 16:41:55
屌自膠 覆錯post
2018-07-22 18:30:46
AdGuard filter 都係用大路野,只要佢加返Import Txt filter list,就可以如uBlock/AdBlock咁用
2018-07-23 15:11:18
2018-07-23 16:43:58
2018-07-26 00:01:04
啱啱降返落2.8.2 啲app清爽到
2018-07-26 00:04:39
2018-07-26 01:58:48
2018-07-26 02:30:45
2018-07-26 08:08:31
JB 左?
2018-07-26 08:16:42
2018-07-26 08:36:25
Public beta ios12
2018-07-27 15:32:34
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