我並不是烏大龜 (I'm not WooTaiKwai)


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CUHKBanters 2017-11-09 00:48:01

check proxy server IP 食生菜咁易
有分身晨早 ban 柒我啦

最傻咪你 ive都grad唔到

I repeat for the last and final time. My identity is not WooTaiKwai, so stop slandering me

喂呀哥 唔係應緊你呀 過主啦 睇清楚個名啦 ENTJ

MBTI 其實唔準
我介孚ENTJ 同 ENFJ 之間
所以玩 MBTI 一定要睇埋占星命盤 (榮格如是說)

I am different from you, I am not you, stop controlling me

I am of ENTP personality.

NP = Pro-MK
(Just because introverted sensing and extraverted intuition are MK psychological functions shared by both SJ and NP)

WooTaiKwai, say to yourself, are you sure you are Extroverted? Beneath your cyber-mask, you're just Introverted.

Your main personality should be INFJ.

Stop pretending, WooTaiKwai
CUHKBanters 2017-11-09 01:01:29

I repeat for the last and final time. My identity is not WooTaiKwai, so stop slandering me

喂呀哥 唔係應緊你呀 過主啦 睇清楚個名啦 ENTJ

MBTI 其實唔準
我介孚ENTJ 同 ENFJ 之間
所以玩 MBTI 一定要睇埋占星命盤 (榮格如是說)

I am different from you, I am not you, stop controlling me

I am of ENTP personality.

NP = Pro-MK
(Just because introverted sensing and extraverted intuition are MK psychological functions shared by both SJ and NP)

WooTaiKwai, say to yourself, are you sure you are Extroverted? Beneath your cyber-mask, you're just Introverted.

Your main personality should be INFJ.

Stop pretending, WooTaiKwai

我都話我唔信 MBTI
我係太陽金牛月亮雙子上昇雙魚, 既外向又內向,
占星命盤根本就係辯證法 (dialectics of personality)

Introvert 同extrovert 嘅mix係ambivert

Wrong concept
By Myers' definition, if you are extraverted feeler, then you must be introverted thinking, as thinking and feeling are dichotomy

所以我會儘量用多 D 中文出 post

Wrong, this statement is fundamentally flawed, as thinking and feeling originate both a common source of mind, then how could a dichotomy be maintained?
CUHKBanters 2017-11-09 01:02:44

I repeat for the last and final time. My identity is not WooTaiKwai, so stop slandering me

喂呀哥 唔係應緊你呀 過主啦 睇清楚個名啦 ENTJ

MBTI 其實唔準
我介孚ENTJ 同 ENFJ 之間
所以玩 MBTI 一定要睇埋占星命盤 (榮格如是說)

I am different from you, I am not you, stop controlling me

I am of ENTP personality.

NP = Pro-MK
(Just because introverted sensing and extraverted intuition are MK psychological functions shared by both SJ and NP)

WooTaiKwai, say to yourself, are you sure you are Extroverted? Beneath your cyber-mask, you're just Introverted.

Your main personality should be INFJ.

Stop pretending, WooTaiKwai

我都話我唔信 MBTI
我係太陽金牛月亮雙子上昇雙魚, 既外向又內向,
占星命盤根本就係辯證法 (dialectics of personality)

Introvert 同extrovert 嘅mix係ambivert

Wrong concept
By Myers' definition, if you are extraverted feeler, then you must be introverted thinking, as thinking and feeling are dichotomy

所以我會儘量用多 D 中文出 post

Wrong, this statement is fundamentally flawed, as thinking and feeling both originate from a common source of mind, then how could a dichotomy be maintained?

是龜也龜🐢🐢 2017-11-09 01:09:53
CUHKBanters 2017-11-09 01:12:30

I repeat for the last and final time. My identity is not WooTaiKwai, so stop slandering me

喂呀哥 唔係應緊你呀 過主啦 睇清楚個名啦 ENTJ

MBTI 其實唔準
我介孚ENTJ 同 ENFJ 之間
所以玩 MBTI 一定要睇埋占星命盤 (榮格如是說)

I am different from you, I am not you, stop controlling me

I am of ENTP personality.

NP = Pro-MK
(Just because introverted sensing and extraverted intuition are MK psychological functions shared by both SJ and NP)

WooTaiKwai, say to yourself, are you sure you are Extroverted? Beneath your cyber-mask, you're just Introverted.

Your main personality should be INFJ.

Stop pretending, WooTaiKwai

我都話我唔信 MBTI
我係太陽金牛月亮雙子上昇雙魚, 既外向又內向,
占星命盤根本就係辯證法 (dialectics of personality)

Introvert 同extrovert 嘅mix係ambivert

Wrong concept
By Myers' definition, if you are extraverted feeler, then you must be introverted thinking, as thinking and feeling are dichotomy

所以我會儘量用多 D 中文出 post

Wrong, this statement is fundamentally flawed, as thinking and feeling originate both a common source of mind, then how could a dichotomy be maintained?

By MBTI Manual published by CPP on 1997,
Thinking = Causal Judgment = Positive Judgment
Feeling = Value Judgment = Normative Judgment
Both Thinking and Feeling are conscious (a.k.a. rational psychological function). For example, mathematical reasoning is thinking while imagination (instantiating creativity) is feeling.

Excellent, you've explained the mechanisms behind one's cognitive areas, yet you didn't provide answer to how a dichotomy could be maintained.
CUHKBanters 2017-11-09 01:17:10

我係膠登開過分身純粹係因為正身被 ban


That's wrong. I have clarified many times.
Why can't you discriminate between him and me?


That's your opinion only.
Your response proves how failing HKDSE is.

The modifier "failing" in that sentence is extremely inappropriate yet grammatical.
我是腸 2017-11-09 01:23:27
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