check proxy server IP 食生菜咁易
有分身晨早 ban 柒我啦
最傻咪你 ive都grad唔到![]()
I repeat for the last and final time. My identity is not WooTaiKwai, so stop slandering me
喂呀哥 唔係應緊你呀 過主啦睇清楚個名啦 ENTJ
MBTI 其實唔準
我介孚ENTJ 同 ENFJ 之間
所以玩 MBTI 一定要睇埋占星命盤 (榮格如是說)
I am different from you, I am not you, stop controlling me
I am of ENTP personality.
NP = Pro-MK
(Just because introverted sensing and extraverted intuition are MK psychological functions shared by both SJ and NP)
WooTaiKwai, say to yourself, are you sure you are Extroverted? Beneath your cyber-mask, you're just Introverted.
Your main personality should be INFJ.
Stop pretending, WooTaiKwai