我並不是烏大龜 (I'm not WooTaiKwai)


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即刻積 2017-11-26 18:08:04
Calm down DSE dog

We're in real life not your DSE exam

Your stubborn use of proper grammar will just be mocked by us native speakers


lmao weren't you so proud of your english?
Now you've been proven wrong and you're saying that grammar isn't really that important?

Plus, connectives' purpose is to bring structure to what you say, to help readers understand your idea. Using proper connectives is kinda necessary for you to be a self-proclaimed "good" english speaker

tl;dr: born in uk ielts 8.0 my ass
狛枝凪斗 2017-11-26 18:43:31
Calm down DSE dog

We're in real life not your DSE exam

Your stubborn use of proper grammar will just be mocked by us native speakers


lmao weren't you so proud of your english?
Now you've been proven wrong and you're saying that grammar isn't really that important?

Plus, connectives' purpose is to bring structure to what you say, to help readers understand your idea. Using proper connectives is kinda necessary for you to be a self-proclaimed "good" english speaker

tl;dr: born in uk ielts 8.0 my ass

狛枝凪斗 2017-11-26 18:44:13
Banter 考final 末?

SHHOBanterX 2017-11-26 18:50:25
Calm down DSE dog

We're in real life not your DSE exam

Your stubborn use of proper grammar will just be mocked by us native speakers


lmao weren't you so proud of your english?
Now you've been proven wrong and you're saying that grammar isn't really that important?

Plus, connectives' purpose is to bring structure to what you say, to help readers understand your idea. Using proper connectives is kinda necessary for you to be a self-proclaimed "good" english speaker

tl;dr: born in uk ielts 8.0 my ass

DSE English sitter be like:
狛枝凪斗 2017-11-26 20:20:37

小學渣 2017-11-26 23:23:56
烏sir 有冇睇降魔的?
CUHKBanters 2017-11-27 14:36:37
我是烏大龜 (I'm WooTaiKwai)
SHHOBanterX 2017-11-27 14:52:41
我是烏大龜 (I'm WooTaiKwai)

Stop you vicious pretender
CUHKBanters 2017-11-27 14:54:20
我是烏大龜 (I'm WooTaiKwai)

Stop you vicious pretender

Your CUHK stands for Chinu. My CUHK=city U. That's different
CUHKBanters 2017-11-28 11:24:55
Don't push please
CUHKBanters 2017-11-28 22:00:52
狛枝凪斗 2017-11-28 23:44:35
I am wootaikwai

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