楊立門:菲律賓雖然不再是美國的殖民地 但很多菲律賓人仍然有一種近乎「戀殖」心態

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2024-07-03 10:37:32

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2024-07-03 11:52:17
The Destiny of a Small Country Yang Limen

Among the ASEAN countries, the one closest to Hong Kong is the Philippines. Mainland China and Hong Kong combined are the Philippines’ largest trading partners. Many Hong Kong people born in the 1980s were raised by Filipino sisters, so trade and cultural exchanges between the two places Always very close. Therefore, the recent tension between China and the Philippines due to sovereignty disputes over islands and reefs in the South China Sea is something we do not want to see. The relationship between China and the Philippines has deteriorated, and the person behind it is of course the United States. Although the Philippines is no longer a colony of the United States, many Filipinos still have an almost "colonial" mentality and admire American culture. Diplomatically, they are the most obedient to the United States among ASEAN countries. From the recent high-profile interview with President Marcos Jr. This can be seen in Zelensky of Jet Black. But in fact, is the United States really that friendly and caring to the Filipinos, or is it mostly taking advantage of them?

According to a recent investigative report by Reuters, the U.S. Department of Defense conducted a secret operation against the Filipino people within a year of the COVID-19 outbreak to smear China's Sinovac vaccine. Reuters discovered at least 300 fake accounts controlled by the US military on social platform The Philippines provides vaccines, but has been smeared online, causing Filipinos to resist vaccination. The Philippines was one of the Southeast Asian countries with the lowest vaccination rate and the highest diagnosis rate at the time, which may be related to this issue. Reuters published this news. Afterwards, the US official did not respond at all and did not deny it. What is even more interesting is that no other mainstream media in the West followed up the report.

In order to attack and discredit China, the United States is willing to sacrifice the lives and health of people in allied countries. I hope that the leaders of the Philippines will know the difference between right and wrong in the future. People who talk about kindness and morality to you usually just want to take advantage of you. This lesson is absolutely applicable to Taiwan.

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