GME / Deep Fucking Value (192) - MINI / INIM

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2024-05-18 09:19:02
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2024-05-18 09:52:29
2024-05-18 11:58:41

Yhe door is open for moass, thanks to a "subscription"

Today, Barnes and Noble was up over 200% due to issuing a subscription to shareholders. This subscription allows all stock holders on issue date to buy 17 more shares at the listed price in the paperwork.

Guess what apes - the share owners have to be located to issue said subscription, and there are only as many issued as there are shares. The mechanism for this? All shorts must close.

This is when GameStop then sell their 45 million shares, so they profit as we will.

Let's get more eyes on this to pick holes, but it looks like it works, prove me wrong!

Edit 1

Link to the S-3SR filing for the right for GameStop to issue subscriptions to stock holders

Edit 2:

9th May - Barnes and noble releases registration statement declaring their right to issue subscriptions

14th May - Barnes and noble issue prospectus to shareholders that they grant the subscription right

17th of May - date of subscription rate issue and 200% increase.

This is the timeline. These matter.

Edit 3: impact on short sellers during a subscription issuance

When a company offers subscription rights to its shareholders, it can significantly impact short sellers in several ways:

1. **Obligation to Cover Rights**: Short sellers may need to cover the cost of the subscription rights if they are borrowed and sold shares. This means they might have to buy the rights in the market to pass them on to the holders of the shares they borrowed, potentially increasing their costs.

2. **Price Adjustment**: The stock price usually adjusts to reflect the value of the subscription rights. This can affect short sellers because the value of the shares they are shorting changes. If the rights are valuable, the stock price might drop by an equivalent amount when the rights are issued, impacting the short seller's position.

3. **Complexity in Managing Positions**: The introduction of subscription rights adds complexity to managing a short position. Short sellers need to keep track of the rights, understand their value, and manage the timing of their actions to cover any resulting obligations. This could involve additional transactions, which increase costs and risks.

4. **Potential for Short Squeeze**: If the subscription rights are perceived as highly valuable or if many short sellers need to cover their positions simultaneously, it could lead to a short squeeze. This happens when short sellers rush to buy back shares to close their positions, driving the stock price up.

In summary, the issuance of subscription rights can increase the costs and risks for short sellers, potentially leading to a more challenging environment for maintaining a short position.

Barnes & Noble Education, Inc. (the “Company,” “BNED,” “we,” “us” or “our”) is distributing, at no charge, to holders of its common stock, par value $0.01 per share (“Common Stock”), non-transferable subscription rights (the “Subscription Rights” or “Rights”) to purchase an aggregate of up to 900,000,000 shares of our Common Stock at a cash subscription price (the “Subscription Price”) of $0.05 per share (the “Rights Offering”). Assuming the Rights Offering is fully subscribed, we currently expect to receive aggregate gross proceeds of $45 million from the Rights Offering. You will receive one Subscription Right for each share of Common Stock owned at 5:00 p.m., Eastern Daylight Time, on May 14, 2024, the record date (the “Record Date”) for the Rights Offering.

2024-05-18 12:25:44
但gme 唔計今次上次都未平仲有合成股同黑池
2024-05-18 12:34:51

尋日有人post uncle 條片解釋

我睇左,係好hype 但係都係睇定d先

2024-05-18 12:36:55
一日可以route去dark pool
2024-05-18 12:40:42
2024-05-18 12:41:53
2024-05-18 13:20:44

2024-05-18 13:41:58
2024-05-18 14:12:15
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2024-05-18 14:34:20
2024-05-18 14:37:40
2024-05-18 14:44:47
2024-05-18 15:04:29
SS, >10000USD/Share
2024-05-18 15:13:54
2024-05-18 15:17:32
She is a boyyyyyyy
2024-05-18 15:22:07
Hang in there
2024-05-18 15:31:38
2024-05-18 15:32:46
2024-05-18 15:36:33
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞