GME / Deep Fucking Value (192) - MINI / INIM

963 回覆
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2024-05-17 22:54:07
2024-05-17 22:55:20
2024-05-17 22:56:15
2024-05-17 23:00:16
2024-05-17 23:00:22
Buy the dip YOLO!!!!
2024-05-17 23:12:38
2024-05-17 23:18:03
Battle 緊20option
2024-05-17 23:19:33
咪癲,行權即蝕股價,星期一又drop 30%
2024-05-17 23:44:52
2024-05-17 23:47:51
2024-05-17 23:52:33
2024-05-17 23:56:29
唔趁依家出曬啲bad news唔通升空先嚟出咩

2024-05-18 00:24:01
2024-05-18 00:43:41
RK 睇到17/5 option 突然好勁
可能又收到風, GME board 入左文件, 今日出

都O 撚晒咀

RIP My Calls my $$
2024-05-18 00:44:42
2024-05-18 00:50:44
成班dumb 仔
2024-05-18 00:51:14
2024-05-18 00:58:55
2024-05-18 01:08:57
Redditor 用Chatgpt 解釋:

As a regard, chatgpt explained this more here:

GS announced plans to issue up to 45 million shares of Class A common stock. This is like saying, “We have more pieces of the company to sell.” This can affect the stock price because the more shares there are, the less rare each share is, and typically, the price per share might go down because of this.

Now, here’s where it gets interesting for the “shorts” – these are investors who bet that GameStop’s stock price will fall. They borrow shares and sell them, hoping to buy them back later at a lower price, return the borrowed shares, and pocket the difference. But if GameStop’s stock price goes up instead of down, the shorts will be in trouble because they’ll have to buy back at higher prices, losing money.

GameStop is also planning to issue “preferred stock,” which is a special type of stock that pays dividends (a share of the company’s profits). This preferred stock is attractive because it promises extra money on top of the value of the stock itself.

Here’s the strategy GameStop might be using: By issuing common stock, they lower the price temporarily. Then, they issue the preferred stock, which is more valuable. If the shorts are still betting against the common stock, they could be forced to buy back at higher prices as the preferred stock makes the company more valuable. This could lead to a “short squeeze,” where the shorts scramble to cover their bets, driving the price up even more.

If GameStop’s plan works, they could use the money from selling common stock to buy back shares at the lower price. This reduces the number of shares available (called “outstanding shares”), which can make each remaining share more valuable. It’s like if a lemonade stand only had a few cups of lemonade left – each cup would be worth more because it’s rarer.

In the end, if GameStop buys back enough common stock, they could potentially take the company private, leaving only the preferred stock in the hands of investors. This preferred stock would be “non-fungible” (unique and not interchangeable), “unreplicable” (can’t be duplicated), “unshortable” (harder to bet against), and it would pay dividends, making it very valuable.

The current news reflects a significant drop in GME’s stock price, which is part of this whole process. The stock price fell by over 26% to $20.435, which might be due to the announcement of the new common stock issuance.

So, in summary, GameStop is playing a strategic game with its stocks. By issuing new common and preferred stocks, they’re creating a situation that could either force the shorts to accept their losses or be wiped out. For long-term investors holding common stock, this could lead to a massive payoff if they’re patient and the company’s plan succeeds.
2024-05-18 01:37:53
2024-05-18 02:11:58
2024-05-18 02:52:43
2024-05-18 08:30:36


同埋份S3 form講明唔一定會增發。關鍵詞(may / from time to time)我估佢地都係想價高時先會增發,要明白間公司有現金儲備,但係當你知道自己間公司個價好大波動時點解唔去take advantage 呢?

份S3好似好多限制,真係要等有人庖丁解牛咁逐字分析。(不正確解讀:好似係prefer shares offering,講明唔可以轉common stock。)

2024-05-18 09:04:28
Hang in there
2024-05-18 09:16:46
收day high
準備gap up
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞