[CARAT] SAY THE NAME!! SEVENTEEN 17 討論區(4) Let's Get Crazy in Love


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大邱澈 2017-10-09 04:33:28

[M/V] SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) _ SVT PERFORMANCE TEAM - 13月的舞(Lilili_yababy)

三件 2017-10-09 12:13:55

[M/V] SEVENTEEN(세븐틴) _ SVT PERFORMANCE TEAM - 13月的舞(Lilili_yababy)


三件 2017-10-09 12:14:36
三件 2017-10-09 15:05:44

三件 2017-10-09 21:13:05
三件 2017-10-09 21:48:19

三件 2017-10-10 00:01:08

淨漢的一杯熱牛奶 2017-10-10 14:27:13

三件 2017-10-10 15:03:24

三件 2017-10-10 15:06:37
三件 2017-10-10 20:50:07
Few performers could make the sidewalks of New York City look enticing, but four of Seventeen’s members managed just that in the music video for their latest song.

“13th Month’s Dance (Lilili Yabbay)” dropped on Oct. 8 by the K-pop boy band, the third in a series of releases that utilize the diverse talents of the group’s 13 members by highlighting the team's subunits.

The latest song is a dynamic track that never veers where it seems to be headed, beginning as a future bass track before introducing subtle percussion and electronic guitar riffs. Heavily-distorted vocals and electropop elements round out the experimental song, which serves as a backdrop to the actual star of the show, the foursome's dance routine.

Fittingly, the boy band's performance unit display their skill through the charismatic, contemporary depiction of “13th Month’s Dance,” offering up Seventeen’s most intricately detailed choreography to date.

Draped in flowing white outfits and matching chalky white makeup, Hoshi, The8, Jun and Dino command the viewer's attention with their stylized moves that are all at once seductive and powerful. Shot in front of the Brooklyn Borough Hall building, the quartet dominated the NYC street corner and turned the sidewalk into a stage as they blended a variety of dance forms to emphasize the sensuality of the human physique.

Despite not containing any of the boy band's primary vocalists or rappers, Seventeen's performance unit is anything but a minor player in the group's career. After the act gained renown early on for their upbeat funk-pop styling, last year’s “Highlight” by the four dancers launched the maturing act towards more EDM-influenced music. With its dramatic flare and artistic performance elements, “13th Month’s Dance” is a similarly new take on what it means to be Seventeen, and it remains to be seen if the performance unit once again becomes a trendsetter for the larger K-pop team as a whole.

“13th Month’s Dance” is the third song released as part of the group’s Before Al1 project, following this year’s Al1 album and ahead of Seventeen’s upcoming album on Nov. 6.

Cr: Billboard

三件 2017-10-10 21:20:07

三件 2017-10-10 23:28:28

灰仔好似好想要Carat嘅gel甲 可愛
誰是游學秀? 2017-10-10 23:34:28
大家有無覺得got7新歌mv同check in好似
三件 2017-10-10 23:46:52
大家有無覺得got7新歌mv同check in好似

個啲景點太熱門, 但係啲分鏡...
誰是游學秀? 2017-10-10 23:53:47
大家有無覺得got7新歌mv同check in好似

個啲景點太熱門, 但係啲分鏡...

其實都係嘅 香港有幾大姐 但睇到最尾先發現竟然無去彩虹邨
大邱澈 2017-10-11 02:20:09
大家有無覺得got7新歌mv同check in好似

個啲景點太熱門, 但係啲分鏡...

其實都係嘅 香港有幾大姐 但睇到最尾先發現竟然無去彩虹邨

題外話我朋友係鳥寶寶 有遠距離跟哂佢地拍MV
佢地有去齊香港熱門景點 有去埋彩虹邨 不過JYP無剪落去
淨漢的一杯熱牛奶 2017-10-11 12:29:17

三件 2017-10-11 16:48:08
#SEVENTEEN# 首次世界巡演動員20萬人...直到11月回歸的康莊大道

2017.10.10 | 韓國日報

#SEVENTEEN# 組合動員約20萬名觀眾,完成了其首次世界巡演。

#SEVENTEEN# 以今年7月的首爾演唱會作為起始站,到日本、泰國、中國香港、美國、加拿大、智利、新加坡、馬尼拉等地區為止,總共14個城市動員了20萬名觀眾。在傾倒全世界眾多粉絲的同時,首次世界巡演"Diamond Edge"圓滿落下帷幕。

#SEVENTEEN# 在此次世界巡演中展現了只有他們才能做到的舞台和談話,與全世界的粉絲們進行了溝通,展現了絢麗多彩的演出。在Hip-hop unit、Performance unit、Vocal unit總共3個小分隊和一個#SEVENTEEN# 的基礎上,從清涼感到力量感,在各個國家釋放出了獨特的魅力,令演唱會現場沸騰起來。

為了與粉絲們進行特別的交流,成員們不僅輪流在演唱會中間進行了與眾不同的談話,還在各國推出了各種各樣的粉絲服務,與粉絲度過了有意義的時光。他們親自製作了符合世界巡演"Diamond Edge"的口號,和粉絲們一起高呼,一起大聲合唱,展現了與眾不同的愛。

邁入出道第三年的#SEVENTEEN# ,通過首次世界巡演不僅動員了共20萬名如此大規模的觀眾,而且在泰國等多個國家收到眾多媒體的採訪邀請,獲得了熱烈的現場反響。通過此舉#SEVENTEEN# 再一次證明了自身是在國內外擁有高人氣的偶像組合。

由此,#SEVENTEEN# 11月發售的新專輯,將展示怎樣更進一步的發展性和成長性的藝術家形象而備受關注。 #SEVENTEEN# 於11月回歸前夕,目前正在準備新專輯中。

권수빈 記者 ppbn@hankookilbo.com 譯:17新聞社
三件 2017-10-11 21:50:29

淨漢的一杯熱牛奶 2017-10-12 00:29:04

三件 2017-10-12 01:27:10


淨漢的一杯熱牛奶 2017-10-12 10:34:20


不過佢啲圖真心正 intomyeyes磨皮太過份
三件 2017-10-12 12:39:56

大唐勇將 2017-10-12 16:41:13
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞