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2023-09-09 00:18:28
Get him back 第一句令我諗起holy ground

反而最襟聽都係Vampire 最岩打單
2023-09-09 00:49:40
其實前幾年country music已經hit返
Bb200 本嚟就一堆長壽country album
前兩年morgan wallen張dangerous大爆紅又進一步帶動country music嘅市埸
同理仲有bad bunny帶起latin music係美國嘅主流市場市佔率
2023-09-09 00:53:04
Sour係d single洗腦d
2023-09-09 14:24:06
Cardi B confirms that her sophomore album will not be released this year.
2023-09-09 15:19:01
睇am首日似乎all american bitch比較啱做三單
2023-09-09 17:43:44
2023-09-09 18:03:53
點解個個歌手都要同Taylor swift 比

“And we see you over there on the internet
Comparing all the girls who are killing it” 就係講緊你呢d 柒頭
2023-09-09 20:04:46
'GUTS’ by Olivia Rodrigo debuts with over 60 million streams on Global Spotify on its first day, 10th biggest female album debut in history.

Olivia Rodrigo debuts the entirety of ‘GUTS’ on Global Spotify:

#3. vampire — 6.85M
#4. bad idea right? — 6.55M
#5. all-american bitch — 6.14M
#6. get him back! — 5.91M
#8. lacy — 4.81M
#9. ballad of a homeschooled girl — 4.8M
#10. making the bed — 4.79M
#12. logical — 4.6M
#15. the grudge — 4.41M
#16. love is embarrassing — 4.19M
#19. pretty isn't pretty — 3.76M
#23. teenage dream — 3.5M
2023-09-09 20:13:31
2023-09-09 20:29:16
二專嚟講都叫合格有餘, 繼續同Billie爭新生代女一位置
2023-09-09 22:00:15
US Certifications (RIAA): Cardi B Feat. Megan Thee Stallion, WAP 8x Platinum.
2023-09-09 22:00:52
Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's "BONGOS" debuts at #70 on the global Spotify chart with 1.904 million streams.
2023-09-09 22:01:19
Doja Cat's "Paint the Town Red" hits #1 on global Spotify for the first time ever with 8.135 million streams.

It becomes the first solo female rap song to reach #1 in global Spotify history.
2023-09-09 22:22:55
2023-09-09 22:24:28
爆得仲勁過kiss me more
2023-09-09 22:25:59
連bad idea right?都可以new peak
2023-09-09 22:33:08
D track stream都好接近
2023-09-09 22:39:01

經常唱經典歌 又會搵神枱級音樂人玩

睇落佢好識做 尊敬上一代音樂

同埋成長幾受rock music 感染

如果做到下個Avril , Hayley Williams 都幾好
2023-09-09 22:40:07
2023-09-09 23:49:04
Nicki Cardi Doja Megan都會去VMA, 又有好戲睇
2023-09-10 00:07:15
我都覺d single choice麻麻哋
但而家album後勁同single choice冇乜關係
2023-09-10 00:07:30
Bad idea right 真係好撚嘈 好耐都未聽過首咁嘈嘅歌
2023-09-10 00:08:22
2023-09-10 00:10:51
2023-09-10 01:28:02
Flop到冇眼睇 仲等佢啲Fans以為WAP 2.0
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞