Finally, the calculations presented here suggest that Cu substitution on the appropriate (Pb(1)) site displays many key characteristics for high-TC superconductivity, namely a particularly flat isolated d-manifold, and the potential presence of fluctuating magnetism, charge and phonons. However, substitution on the other Pb(2) does not appear to have such sought-after properties, despite being the lower-energy substitution site. This result hints to the synthesis challenge in obtaining Cu substituted on the appropriate site for obtaining a bulk superconducting sample. Nevertheless, I expect the identification of this new material class to spur on further investigations of doped apatite minerals given these tantalizing theoretical signatures and experimental reports of possible high-TC superconductivity.
人地只係係話 Cu doped in Pb(1) site 會有Key characteristics for High-tc superconductivity
就算佢high T superconductivity 都唔等如係room temp superconductivity.
等埋experimental result 先知真定假