theoratical simulation來, 好明顯佢係sim完即刻趕工寫, 連用chatgpt執下文筆都無做到
I used the Vienna Ab initio Simulation Package (VASP) [12–15] for all density functional theory (DFT) calculations with full calculation details given in the SI. I applied a Hubbard-U correction to account for the underlocalization of the Cu-d states. I tested values of U
between 2 eV and 6 eV, finding my results were similar
for all values calculated. The results in the main text are
for U = 4 eV which gives lattice parameters within 1%
of experiment [10, 16].
先唔講佢寫既文筆問題, 個methodology太短啦好難其他人reproduce到, 佢想搶出paper都要認真寫呢part先得, 咁樣寫法仲短撚過lab report