“My personal experience with most [slider-based character creators] is you kind of customize it, it takes you a lot of time and effort, and then a lot of times it kind of looks the same in the end,” she said. “So we wanted to avoid that. And if we would make sliders, we needed to make it into something that would be truly unique and wouldn’t look the same.”
According to Dubrovina, Larian isn’t married to taking this approach for all of its games, but they felt the approach worked well for Baldur’s Gate 3 and, she said, it kept custom characters from looking “mediocre.”
個lead character artist 解釋唔整slider既理由,佢究竟知唔知自己講咩,點樣得出玩家會整到一樣樣既結論。似係d woke既理由,assume玩家會整晒d主流靚既樣,所以索性畀堆preset你就算。但另一方面佢哋又主張inclusive,畀人揀no binary 性別,揀下體之類。最inclusive就係畀人customise個樣啦,亞洲人樣都冇幾個