btw 駕駛態度係咪aggressive, risky都係影響揸車會唔會揸到殺人嘅因素
What Gender Drinks and Drives More?
One reason the roads are deadlier for men may relate to increased drinking and driving. Just 13,033 fatal car accidents in 2020 involved female drunk drivers compared with 39,393 fatal DUI car accidents involving males.[3]
我諗 DUI 致死嘅男女司機比例75%對25%都係職業因素啦
Driving Behavior by Gender
Men are also more likely than females to engage in a number of other high-risk behaviors on the roads including aggressive driving and speeding.
Forbes Advisor found a total of 31.5% of male survey respondents admitted to quick lane switches and other aggressive driving behaviors compared with 21.4% of females.[8] Men were also more likely to admit to:
Driving through red lights (32.2% compared with 30% of females) [8]
Driving 15 miles per hour or more over the speed limit (52% of males compared with 44.6% of females)[9]