你想講叻嘅司機會去揸難路,廢嘅司機會去揸易嘅路??Mario kart??定係你想講男人揸車遇到嘅scenario多數難過女人?男女係咪揸同一條路?定係哋因為男人比較鍾意DUI所以好高難度?
One reason the roads are deadlier for men may relate to increased drinking and driving. Just 13,033 fatal car accidents in 2020 involved female drunk drivers compared with 39,393 fatal DUI car accidents involving males.[3]
-Forbes Advisor
我知啦,係因為男人比較鍾意speeding, aggressive driving,所以佢地條路係特別高難度!呢啲因素撞死人嗰啲應該要唔計先公平啦係咪。
Men are also more likely than females to engage in a number of other high-risk behaviors on the roads including aggressive driving and speeding.
Forbes Advisor found a total of 31.5% of male survey respondents admitted to quick lane switches and other aggressive driving behaviors compared with 21.4% of females.[8] Men were also more likely to admit to:
Driving through red lights (32.2% compared with 30% of females) [8]
Driving 15 miles per hour or more over the speed limit (52% of males compared with 44.6% of females)[9]
如果你想講男人嘅職業車特別難揸(多男人揸大貨車、巴士、田螺etc.)或者上得特別多高速公路,可以睇埋原文下面關於英國private vehicles每10m journeys撞死幾多個行人嘅數字,男人2.8個,女人1.04個。
我想指出嘅只係「女司機特別危險」(講緊令人重傷/致命意外,睇返原文第一段女人嘅總意外數係高過男人,但係minor incidents多過男)呢種諗法喺數據上係冇乜ground。