2023-03-14 02:33:08
視覺:顏色上轉變得太多太sharp, 不停咁閃, 閃撚到個人好辛苦, 剪接9流, 剪接得仲碎過蔡天鳳
劇情:仆你個街, 講仲多過做, 用左好撚多對話去交待故事, 引導觀眾接陳收左膠大愛思想等等……但又夾雜左英文, 國語, 廣東話3種唔同語言, 聽住, 係「夾雜」, 唔係一段段咁夾, 而係「鵝賤廳食左依條sausage」類似嘅對話, 一係就上句英文, 下一句國語咁撚飄忽;再, 導演想表達嘅思想太多, 所以2粒幾鐘明顯唔夠時間, 咁點解決?咪唯有將所有up嘅對白x2加速, 個個講嘢不停, 又急又快, 又不停英文, 國語, 廣東話夾雜, 再加上閃撚到暈嘅鏡頭, 最終結果就係睇到訓撚著左
動作:場面9流, 似睇馬騮戲, 唯一好小小就係光頭佬出場, 最覺得似睇緊戲
玩mulit universe唔緊要, 但自己個universe都未理解得晒就走去開成7,8個universe去要求觀眾接收晒咁多個宇宙, 會唔會過份左d
2023-03-14 03:40:20
From wiki:
Kwan said that the everything bagel concept "did two things. It allowed us to talk about nihilism without being too eye roll-y. And it creates a MacGuffin: a doomsday device. If in the first half of the movie, people think that the bagel is here to destroy the world, and in the second half you realize it's a depressed person trying to destroy themselves, it just takes everything about action movies and turns it into something more personal."