[Buddy+Na.V+LUVU]VIVID DAYZ香港場完滿結束 0307崔俞娜"Without U"大發(32)

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2023-03-07 13:39:40
2023-03-07 13:46:28

2023-03-07 14:07:15
2023-03-07 14:13:40
2023-03-07 14:25:44
It is a collection of 9 years of singer life.

On the 7th, Yuju held a press conference to commemorate the release of her second mini-album 'Oh (O)' at Shufigen Hall in Samseong-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul. The event was hosted by broadcaster Satire.

Her 2nd mini album, 'Oh', unravels the situations and emotions she has experienced so far under the theme of 'travel'. Along with the overall planning of the album, all five tracks, including track 1 '9 Years', 'Without U', 'Dreaming', 'Peach Blossom' and 'Full Circle', are all by Yuju himself. wrote the lyrics The time since her debut was likened to a journey, and the numerous flows that arose in it, such as excitement, hate, love, confusion, and stability, eventually turned around and turned around, starting with the idea that it was like a big circle. For the first time, it is an album title that contains 'meaning of shape' rather than 'meaning of word'. The title song 'Without You' begins with her sparkling curiosity and excitement, and is a message to the person she loves, hates, and quarrels with countless times. In the sweet string melody of modern pop, Yuju's unique tone and vocals are attractive. Yuju's gradually escalating vocals and powerful drum sound also bring out the charm of her second half.

- I'm curious about how you feel about coming back with a new album after 14 months.
"I made the album without regrets. As a result, I feel more comfortable than nervous. I feel good and relieved."

- Is there a reason it took a long time to prepare for the new album?
"It was not a short time. When making an album, we decided on the songs and proceeded with the recording, but it took a long time to record so many songs and find songs that fit the story. We made it by hand, stitch by stitch."
2023-03-07 14:25:58
- Please introduce your second mini-album 'O'.
"Album name is a bit unique. It is usually composed of words or sentences, but I made it simple. I focused on the meaning of shapes rather than words. The theme of the album is travel, and we expressed our lives as a journey."

- The feeling is quite different from your first solo album. Is there a reason?
“At the time, there were a lot of things that aroused within me, so I tried to capture transformation and ambition. In the case of this album, it feels somewhat comfortable because it expresses the ‘me’ of the past, present and future. I think the album itself is ‘me’.”

- What kind of song is the title song 'Without You'?
"As you can feel from the title, it's a song about an indispensable being. It's hard to say that it's the right answer because each listener has a different perception, but the first thing I thought of in the lyrics was music."

- Is there anything different from when you debuted?
"When we debuted, we started with really sparkling excitement and curiosity. As music, which was a hobby, became our job, we developed a sense of responsibility and quarreled a lot. Now, we share a friendship that cannot be expressed in words with music. Music is like a close friend."

- What are the differences between group and solo activities?
"The process of making a girlfriend's album and a solo album were all different. From the beginning of my solo career, there was nothing that I couldn't reach from start to finish. It was not easy because the pros and cons were clear."

- I'm curious about the reaction of the GFRIEND members.
"They all cheered a lot. There was a group messenger room, and when the highlight medley came out, they talked about what their favorite song was. It felt really good."

- If you look back on the past 9 years as a singer.
“A lot of things have happened and it is difficult to express in one word. I think you will understand my story clearly if you listen to this album from the beginning of the 9 years.”

It will be released on the 7th at 6pm.
2023-03-07 14:28:32
2023-03-07 14:31:34
2023-03-07 14:37:19
我都係唔想佢太瘦 所以 闊啲好啲
2023-03-07 15:19:57
2023-03-07 15:22:31
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2023-03-07 17:00:19
2023-03-07 17:02:35
2023-03-07 17:04:19
2023-03-07 17:07:09
2023-03-07 17:07:42
好正 btw抒情歌唔知點應援
2023-03-07 17:10:27
9 years 都好正
2023-03-07 17:10:58
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