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2023-01-31 22:23:18
仲有好多論文嘅, 不過你本身有 bias 先入為主當然唔會搵到啦. 呢份講 mindfulness 對強逼障礙症 (OCD) 嘅影響, 同樣證據不足. 不過 sample size 唔夠大所以我冇一開始 show 出嚟.

Mindfulness for OCD? No evidence for a direct effect of a self-help treatment approach.

No changes in depressiveness or OCD symptoms could be found at post-assessment.

The effectiveness of mindfulness training as a self-help intervention was not supported in this study. Further work is needed to clarify whether mindfulness is feasible as a treatment for OCD.


簡單嚟講, 你最推崇嘅 mindfulness 喺心理疾病同腦部結構都冇用, 甚至 research methods 同 mindfulness 本身嘅 definition 都充滿不一致同矛盾地方.

當然你可以搵到大量 "research" 啦, 但呢堆 research 嘅質素又如何? 除咗上面 systematic reviews 搵唔到足夠證據, 研究方法水平冇改善之外. 呢份論文直接屌鳩 mindfulness research 垃圾. 我唔解釋 publication bias 係咩, 感覺你都唔會明.

Mindfulness meditation might improve a variety of cognitive processes, but the available evidence remains fragmented. This preregistered meta-analysis (PROSPERO-CRD42018100320) aimed to provide insight into this hypothesis by assessing the effects of brief mindful attention induction on cognition. Articles were retrieved from Pubmed, PsycInfo and Web of Science up until August 1, 2018. A total of 34 studies were included.

There was no evidence of publication bias, but studies generally presented many methodological flaws.


呢份關於背痛研究, 你最崇拜嘅所謂 mindfulness 只係提高你忍痛能力, 唔係減低痛楚, 啫係我上個 post 講嘅 illusory feeling.

This review found inconclusive evidence of effectiveness of MBSR in improving pain intensity or disability in chronic low back pain patients. However, there is limited evidence that MBSR can improve pain acceptance.


呢度你可以睇 mindfulness 對大學生喺各方面嘅影響嘅研究. 基本上 mindfulness 所謂嘅作用不過係運動可以achieve 到嘅放鬆效果, 甚至連情緒管理都冇幫助.

Fifty-one RCTs were included. In comparison with passive controls, and when measured shortly after intervention completion, MBIs improve distress, anxiety, depression, well-being, rumination, and mindfulness with small to moderate effect sizes, with no benefit found for blood pressure, sleep, life satisfaction, resilience, worry, and thought suppression. Evidence for self-compassion is inconclusive. Effects last beyond three months for distress and mindfulness, with no data on other outcomes. Compared with active control groups, MBIs significantly improve distress and state anxiety, but not mindfulness, depression, well-being, affect, trait anxiety, or emotion regulation. Results were robust to adjustment for multiple testing, but RCTs’ risk of bias is generally high. Moderator analyses did not find differential intervention effects according to intervention duration, delivery mode, or sub-populations.


論文我就幫你搵咗一大堆, 順便教育吓堆迷信連登囝. 咪自己催眠自己啦傻仔.
2023-01-31 22:24:04
我又點唔識 research, 西歐 J&J 做過 research 夠唔夠料?
2023-01-31 22:31:37
Sor 我reply錯人咩 我講緊樓主
2023-01-31 22:33:47
太多人唔識睇paper & research method。

但再諗深一層,其實呢個社會/世界有巨量嘅 modalities 都係唔夠evidence,但又基於 social context 而存在 / 被人信奉。

呢個世界仲係好魔幻,所以有質素嘅research 真係好偉大。
2023-01-31 22:35:13
因為樓主指控緊我, 以為你跟埋一份 點都好, 我喺 #24, #26 俾足我個人嘅資料收集, 當然呢堆論文係我 bias 咁 select 出嚟. 但唔係所謂三流期刊, 更加針對 systematic reviews.
2023-01-31 22:37:26
我好保守, 寧願當佢冇料到都唔想見到 false discovery.
(呢個都係點解 statistical test 關心 alpha 多過 beta 嘅原因)
而且 mindfulness 本身係定義上因為 inconsistency 俾幾份論文插過嚟 我另外發現多數強烈 support mindfulness 都係中國/印度 researchers, 其他會傾向保守啲.
2023-01-31 22:41:49
2023-01-31 23:08:45
本來我都廢事覆呢啲廢 post 想由得佢沉, 因為冇乜科學價值又要搵一堆 source, 不過似乎樓主自推又 cap 曬我 comments 咁有誠意, 一於由得你柒到盡. 如果冇追 post 我 summarize 返樓主對 mindfulness (靜觀) 嘅睇法

1. Mindfulness 可以令你觀察慾望嘅起伏, 令你免於受慾望操縱 (https://lih.kg/zekDQnX).
2. Mindfulness 改變腦部結構 (海馬體同前額頁皮層), 提升專注力 (https://lih.kg/zekDQKX, https://lih.kg/zekEafX)
3. 慾望控制配合靜觀/冥想/禪修 (https://lih.kg/zekDQyX)

我都係個句, 唔敢去質疑同批判 (think critically) 反而盲目信仰化同儀式化一個哲學學說, 避重就輕, 咁同中國哲學冇任何關係.
2023-01-31 23:14:13
你咁講同陰陽眼一鳩樣, 得有個人先知. 腦入面多 voice 我建議你睇精神科, 可能係妄想症, 都可能係某種心理疾病.
2023-01-31 23:26:13
無根 <- yes, 因為宗教同迷信而出現
空談 <- no, 有 experiments, 有 research
言過其實 <- yes, 因為 research quality 低, 而個唔 reproducible.

2023-01-31 23:39:06
2023-01-31 23:40:34
2023-01-31 23:42:32
2023-01-31 23:43:24
但positive psychology 相關既研究都比人插到飛起,啲research method好多都出出地事,啲constructs 既definition 又亂
本人對所有pos psy 相關既所有研究都好有保留
2023-01-31 23:44:06
有冇玻璃心到咁? 連反對意見都接受唔到仲好意思話自己求真
2023-01-31 23:48:00
2023-01-31 23:50:09
2023-01-31 23:51:05
我讓咗你兩日時間冇理, 不過係你自己推返個 post 上嚟, 擺明邀請我入嚟嘅啫. (#22 樓你仲貼隻兔仔揮手喎)
2023-01-31 23:51:41
2023-01-31 23:52:53
睇#38 ok?
2023-01-31 23:53:41
又證明你冇睇我啲 comments 啦.
systematic reviews >>> expert opinions 唔知幾多個 level. 所以呢個 reply 已經 subsumed into #24.
2023-01-31 23:54:32
2023-01-31 23:59:46
你係為咗自尊心定挽回面子而開呢個 post, 老實講你想要下台階咪講 "mindfulness 可能有啲用, 好難完全否定佢." 我都會接受架喎, 但你死都要拗佢可以改變腦部結構, 內分泌, 治療功效. 咁我咪唯有分享吓 research 同 review 囉.
2023-02-01 00:00:04



2023-02-01 00:02:12
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