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2023-04-11 01:26:05
"Anti-Hero" is now one week from tying "Shake It Off" as @taylorswift13's longest running top 10 hit on the Hot 100.
2023-04-11 01:55:47
Billboard Hot 100: #2(+2) Kill Bill, SZA [17 weeks]. *re-peak; eighth week at #2*

“Kill Bill” is now ranked as the 3rd most weeks at number two (without hitting number one) song. It kept out by “Anti-Hero”, “Flowers” & “Last Night”.
2023-04-11 01:57:09
Billboard Hot 100: #7(+1) Calm Down, Rema & Selena Gomez [31 weeks]. *new peak*
2023-04-11 01:58:00
"CUFF IT" is now Beyoncé’s longest charting single of all-time on the Hot 100, surpassing "Telephone" (34 weeks).
2023-04-11 02:03:02
Joe Alwyn struggled with Taylor Swift’s level of fame, leading to their breakup, according to People:

"Joe has struggled with Taylor's level of fame and the attention from the public. The differences in their personalities have also become harder to ignore after years together. They've grown apart."

🔗: https://people.com/music/why-taylor-swift-joe-alwyn-broke-up-after-six-years-exclusive/
2023-04-11 02:07:39
殿堂級北歐樂隊ABBA 結他手Lasse Wellander逝世 終年七十歲


- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
2023-04-11 06:33:53
Fred again..: Tiny Desk Concert
2023-04-11 08:17:16
Taylor Swift's "Cornelia Street" earned its biggest streaming day on Spotify since 2019, over doubling in daily streams (459K).
2023-04-11 08:17:37
Billboard Hot 100: #61(new) VOID, Melanie Martinez.
2023-04-11 08:19:20
SZA’s "Kill Bill" is now the longest running #1 hit by a lead female artist in Billboard Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Songs chart history, surpassing Mary J. Blige's "Be Without You" (16 weeks).
2023-04-11 08:30:20
2023-04-11 09:45:56
"Like Crazy" by #Jimin from @BTS_twt remains at #1 on this week's Billboard Digital Song Sales chart with 14.8k sales (down 94%*).
2023-04-11 10:55:42
諗起Peace入面嗰句”Would it be enough, if I can never give you peace?”
六年時間入面,佢哋喺理想化嘅空間分享住世界,過避世嘅生活,咁啱covid lockdown令佢得以繼續寫歌 有更多嘅靈感,依個就好似佢係miss Americana入面所講平靜、穩定嘅生活,但係佢本身遠遠不單止係咁,fearless入面fifteen已經講咗”back then i swore i was gonna marry him someday, but i realised some bigger dreams of mine”,14歲就明確自己人生目標嘅佢,佢嘅夢想唔單止係咁。所以自從忙於重錄之後,新專tour電影創作令到佢更加明白自己係為創作而生,midnights嘅成功令到佢企喺熟悉嘅閃光燈下面大放異彩,可以咁講其實個世界自復常開始,佢哋兩個要行嘅路已經漸行漸遠…covis延緩咗佢哋分手,一個只想平靜地生活同愛嘅係鄰家女孩,但一個注定要翱翔,屬於聚光燈嘅舞台,兩個人行嘅路唔同,只係因為唔適合而分開。
依幾日係咁聽緊Cornelia street入面佢看似多餘嘅擔心,happiness入面看似佢早就目睹依個結局,
the 1入面嘅遺憾,DWYHT同CIWYW嘅依賴,delicate入面嘅迷茫…

“He wanted it comfortable, I wanted that pain.”
"He was sunshine I was midnight rain"

midnights rain終將成真
2023-04-11 13:50:29
鍾意live from paris多過原版
2023-04-11 16:47:57
2023-04-11 17:43:41
Billboard Hot 100: #45(-44) Like Crazy, Jimin [2 weeks]. *peak: #1*

Jimin's "Like Crazy" posts the biggest fall for a #1 debut in Hot 100 history.
2023-04-11 17:44:24
Biggest drop from #1 in history:

1. Like Crazy 1-45 (-44)
2. willow 1-38 (-37)
3. TROLLZ 1-34 (-33)
4. Life Goes On 1-28 (-27)
5. FRANCHISE 1-25 (-24)
6. Heartless 1-17 (-16)
7. Nothing From Nothing/Then Came You 1-15 (-14)
8. Stuck With You 1-13 (-12)
2023-04-11 17:56:31
Midnight rain
2023-04-11 19:39:53
其實係咪即係taylor 係最低潮要消失係鎂光燈後既時候有Joe 一直係身邊 陪佢東山再起 佢自己都係miss Americana 到講佢probably last chance for success

點知folklore evermore midnights 爆紅 taylor 根本放唔低係高峰係焦點 同joe 低調既性格完全相反 成功之後發覺自己最重視都係工作

Joe 其實都幾慘 陪佢渡過低潮 共過困難 原來係高峰Taylor 最鍾意都唔係自己 共唔到富貴
2023-04-11 19:51:03
佢哋都係互相救贖 互相扶持走到今日 一段關係走到咁耐 大家都係彼此需要先可以持續 絕對唔會只係得一方救贖 依賴
只係六年入面 本應經歷lover之後 可能佢哋就會意識到兩個人最終想要嘅嘢唔同 但lockdown延續咗 繼而事業再創一個一個高峰 taylor本身就係享受渴望掌聲嘅一個人 希望用自己嘅作品去connect引導聽眾 但joe一心只想平靜嘅生活 對閃光燈並唔渴望亦唔習慣
2023-04-11 19:59:31
或者又返去1989時期拍散拖 心很累
2023-04-11 22:23:34
Kim Petras calls Nicki Minaj the “best lyricist of our generation” in new TikTok.
2023-04-11 22:23:52
‘SOS’ by SZA is now the female album with the most platinum certified singles in the US this decade (6):

•Good Days
•I Hate U
•Nobody Gets Me
•Kill Bill
2023-04-11 22:27:43
Producer Jay Versace teases Doja Cat’s upcoming album:

“doja be rappin her ass off that’s all ima say”
2023-04-11 22:28:20
Nick Cannon tells Howard Stern he wants to have his 13th child with Taylor Swift:

“Absolutely, I’m in, let’s go, that’s the one! First of all, she's an amazing songwriter. What I do love about Taylor Swift is that she has been so vulnerable and open with all of her music."
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