
1001 回覆
6 Like 3 Dislike
2023-03-28 19:29:35
2023-03-29 04:56:06
genz應該佔咗佢9成fan base
2023-03-29 22:23:19
YoungBoy Never Broke Again and Nicki Minaj’s new single "WTF" will be released next Friday, April 7.
2023-03-29 22:26:16
Ed Sheeran tells Rolling Stone that he wanted Jay-Z to be on “Shape Of You”:

“I sent him the song, and he said, ‘I don’t think the song needs a rap verse.’”
2023-03-30 05:33:09
2023-03-30 16:37:15
Lana Del Rey's 'Did you know that there's a tunnel under Ocean Blvd' now aiming for #3 debut on the US albums chart with increased 120K units first week, biggest sales week since 'Ultraviolence'
2023-03-31 01:40:53
2023-03-31 01:48:56
2023-03-31 03:35:21
墊煲底都覺得舊 你又想話Taytay都係站在佢哋老人肩膀上跳舞? 骨頭脆喎得唔得㗎?
2023-03-31 03:40:19


2023-03-31 03:40:58
2023-03-31 03:41:55
2023-03-31 03:53:24
返去聽老餅歌啦大叔 終於講出口 陰啲陰啲踩Tay 今次太過份話垃圾
2023-03-31 06:03:25
難講 abba 真係成個歐洲都好hit
club 一定日播夜播 美國就唔知
2023-03-31 12:00:40
2023-03-31 12:56:19
好耐冇見呀 機械人 唔好割我蓆
2023-04-01 05:13:40
#384 回覆 - 分享自 LIHKG 討論區

可能冇追開 post 嘅人唔知 其實我兩年前已經係咁講嘢 可以睇返之前 我都踩開 Adele ga媽 air bts柒仙女 Olivia jb 等等 機器人你依家先割我蓆 唔同我傾音樂
2023-04-02 01:06:15
Based off of final predictions, Jimin of BTS’ “Like Crazy” is projected to debut at #1 on the Billboard Hot 100. Doing so would make him the first Korean soloist to debut at #1, and the first member of BTS to earn a #1 hit as a solo act.
2023-04-02 02:57:49

還獎呀 屌佢老味
2023-04-02 03:14:03

你做乜屈我? midnights 幾時出? 睇返時間我一直都用緊個名 6月先期待緊Taylor 新碟
2023-04-02 03:15:09
長頭髮真係好襯佢 女神
2023-04-02 15:29:33

2023-04-02 16:48:27
又幾千人喺度mass buy 200k 單曲,美國大眾冇人識BTS啲歌...

上一首美國人識嘅韓歌係Gangnam Style
2023-04-02 22:37:31
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞