多倫多生活討論區 37

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2022-11-19 09:08:42
唔該巴打 開始有啲眉目
估唔到Air canada咁平
希望喂藥係最後手段 以前佢病咗喂佢食藥成日轉個撚頭嘔番出嚟
2022-11-19 09:09:26
2022-11-19 09:11:36
我100%反對迫針。我哋朋友入面有打晒四針亦有一針無打。人哋有無打針同我一啲關係都無。我亦支持Truck Driver既示威權利,覺得Justin 多撚餘既垃圾。政府迫針同我無關。我有舊同事唔肯打針而受到某程度既不便。 依家咪一樣無事。不過冤有頭,債有主。 矛頭應該指向嗰個攪到全世界陷入痛苦抗疫既小學雞。有得揀我都唔撚想打針啦。我有三個親戚俾武肺整死㗎。全部都係同我咁上下年紀。依度打針釘咗無得賠㗎。

2022-11-19 09:11:44
2022-11-19 09:13:06
2022-11-19 09:13:40
2022-11-19 09:14:07
2022-11-19 09:14:43
2022-11-19 09:15:03
2022-11-19 09:15:50
2022-11-19 09:15:58
冇full time 手足會唔會死
2022-11-19 09:16:31
2022-11-19 09:17:15
2022-11-19 09:18:56
2022-11-19 09:19:00
2022-11-19 09:23:39
我係full time呀 ,HR話今個月23號先比letter我話有intention 去請我full time,但係新公司要我12月5返工😭
2022-11-19 09:24:45
2022-11-19 09:24:51
I think the Record of Employment have all the details.

How do I get a copy of my Record of Employment (ROE)?
Your Record of Employment (ROE) is a form that your employer fills in with information like how long you've worked for them, how many hours you worked, and how much you earned.

Your ROE also gives the reason why you're no longer working. For example, it will say if you were laid off, quit, or were fired.

Normally, Service Canada needs your ROE to decide if you're eligible for benefits. For example, to qualify for Employment Insurance, Service Canada will check to make sure you worked enough hours in the past year.

Getting your ROE
There are two ways for your employer to give you your ROE. They can send your ROE to the government electronically. Your employer must send an electronic copy within 5 days of the end of the pay period in which you stopped working. If this happens, you don't need a paper copy. You will need a My Service Canada Account to see your ROE online.

Or, your employer can give you a paper copy of your ROE. They must do this within 5 days of your first interruption of earnings. If your employer gives you a paper copy, you have to mail it to Service Canada at:

Employment Insurance – Service Canada
PO Box 2602
Mississauga, Ontario
L4T 0B1

You can also ask your employer for your ROE using this letter writing tool.

Write a letter to get your ROE
2022-11-19 09:27:41
2022-11-19 09:28:17
2022-11-19 09:30:03
我果陣兩隻狗都係好細膽又怕陌生 我問左兩個獸醫都係咁答
2022-11-19 09:34:58
2022-11-19 09:43:34
2022-11-19 09:44:40
2022-11-19 09:45:17
我當時帶兩隻貓上機 坐Air Canada
有食鎮定劑 兩隻貓結果係機上面都算冷靜
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞