If black tea is consumed with added milk or is consumed with calcium-containing meals then less oxalate will be absorbed, as soluble oxalate will bind to the calcium and continue down the digestive tract without being absorbed.Oxalate absorption from tea could elevate urinary oxalate levels leading to an increased risk of kidney stone formation. However, two prospective studies show that the consump- tion of tea (two or three cups/day) actually leads to a reduced
risk of kidney stone formation by 8% in women10 and 14% in men.Two positive benefits of moderate tea consumption are its antioxidant content and the resulting increase in urinary volume because of tea drinking,thereby reducing the risk of stone formation in high oxalate-containing urine.
Extract from Oxalate content and calcium binding capacity of tea and herbal teas
“two prospective studies show that the consump- tion of tea (two or three cups/day) actually leads to a reduced
risk of kidney stone formation by 8% in women10 and 14% in men.”
定d 黎 唔使驚