[DSE] 英國大學 學科選擇

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2017-07-23 16:01:25
唔好再㨂英國讀 番嚟一定後悔
2017-07-23 16:05:59
唔好再㨂英國讀 番嚟一定後悔

2017-07-23 16:11:08
唔好再㨂英國讀 番嚟一定後悔


2017-07-23 16:33:19
我嚟緊讀physiotherapy foundation
1) Birmingham 2018 ranking no.1
2) UEA 2018 ranking no.3 但佢比2千磅scholarship我

如果你簡bham foundation記住要留意番physio degree嘅progression requirements
''Physiotherapy has a number of addittional entry requirements, including evidence of physiotherapy work experience, an interview, health check, Criminal Records Bureau Check and an IELTS score of at least 7.0 with at least 6.5 in all skills (in addition to your mark in the English modules). Please ensure you are familar with these additional requirements.''

又要重考IELTS 考一次覺得好辛苦
Btw physiotherapy work experience係返香港搵暑期工做?

唔係普通暑期工 要同係physio有關嘅例如喺clinic做 好難揾架ching 如果你下年暑假之前都未做過就可能升唔到physio bham成績大概六月底出 你到時最好已經有齊所有條件(experience, ielts, modules成績過 60, 英文modules過65)
btw 介唔介意講下dse同ielts成績
2017-07-23 20:39:02
我嚟緊讀physiotherapy foundation
1) Birmingham 2018 ranking no.1
2) UEA 2018 ranking no.3 但佢比2千磅scholarship我

如果你簡bham foundation記住要留意番physio degree嘅progression requirements
''Physiotherapy has a number of addittional entry requirements, including evidence of physiotherapy work experience, an interview, health check, Criminal Records Bureau Check and an IELTS score of at least 7.0 with at least 6.5 in all skills (in addition to your mark in the English modules). Please ensure you are familar with these additional requirements.''

又要重考IELTS 考一次覺得好辛苦
Btw physiotherapy work experience係返香港搵暑期工做?

唔係普通暑期工 要同係physio有關嘅例如喺clinic做 好難揾架ching 如果你下年暑假之前都未做過就可能升唔到physio bham成績大概六月底出 你到時最好已經有齊所有條件(experience, ielts, modules成績過 60, 英文modules過65)
btw 介唔介意講下dse同ielts成績

朋友都係讀physio fond, 佢今年都升返上u , bradford 要70% score
2017-07-24 03:29:14


聽鬼佬講話唔係好難咁 佢仲話我個成續應該handle 到

cass = city?
你讀foundation or dse ??
介唔介意話畀我聽dse數學幾多? 畀我有個參考

dse 數學得4
但係係foundations 到d數易到喊唔洗點溫都拎到 90幾 個啊蛇仲話我係a*既學生黎


數學得2去到咩情況 好擔心

2017-07-24 03:40:40


聽鬼佬講話唔係好難咁 佢仲話我個成續應該handle 到

cass = city?
你讀foundation or dse ??
介唔介意話畀我聽dse數學幾多? 畀我有個參考

dse 數學得4
但係係foundations 到d數易到喊唔洗點溫都拎到 90幾 個啊蛇仲話我係a*既學生黎


數學得2去到咩情況 好擔心

2017-07-24 03:42:42

cass = city?
你讀foundation or dse ??
介唔介意話畀我聽dse數學幾多? 畀我有個參考

dse 數學得4
但係係foundations 到d數易到喊唔洗點溫都拎到 90幾 個啊蛇仲話我係a*既學生黎


數學得2去到咩情況 好擔心

2017-07-24 03:43:24

cass = city?
你讀foundation or dse ??
介唔介意話畀我聽dse數學幾多? 畀我有個參考

dse 數學得4
但係係foundations 到d數易到喊唔洗點溫都拎到 90幾 個啊蛇仲話我係a*既學生黎


數學得2去到咩情況 好擔心

2017-08-02 12:04:27
唔好再㨂英國讀 番嚟一定後悔


2018-08-14 23:24:50
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞