[數撚圍爐區] G2-holonomy (66)

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2022-06-14 01:27:36
2022-06-14 01:29:29
Optimal substructure
Very maths
2022-06-14 01:33:13
2022-06-14 07:08:53
數撚咪淨係識 induction
2022-06-14 08:15:47
2022-06-14 08:17:03
利申 冇
2022-06-14 08:42:54
2022-06-14 10:59:46
2022-06-14 11:02:03
2022-06-14 11:02:43
2022-06-14 11:03:34
2022-06-14 11:05:28
2022-06-14 11:09:47
Bellman explains the reasoning behind the term dynamic programming in his autobiography, Eye of the Hurricane: An Autobiography:
I spent the Fall quarter (of 1950) at RAND. My first task was to find a name for multistage decision processes. An interesting question is, "Where did the name, dynamic programming, come from?" The 1950s were not good years for mathematical research. We had a very interesting gentleman in Washington named Wilson. He was Secretary of Defense, and he actually had a pathological fear and hatred of the word "research". I’m not using the term lightly; I’m using it precisely. His face would suffuse, he would turn red, and he would get violent if people used the term research in his presence. You can imagine how he felt, then, about the term mathematical. The RAND Corporation was employed by the Air Force, and the Air Force had Wilson as its boss, essentially. Hence, I felt I had to do something to shield Wilson and the Air Force from the fact that I was really doing mathematics inside the RAND Corporation. What title, what name, could I choose? In the first place I was interested in planning, in decision making, in thinking. But planning, is not a good word for various reasons. I decided therefore to use the word "programming". I wanted to get across the idea that this was dynamic, this was multistage, this was time-varying. I thought, let's kill two birds with one stone. Let's take a word that has an absolutely precise meaning, namely dynamic, in the classical physical sense. It also has a very interesting property as an adjective, and that is it's impossible to use the word dynamic in a pejorative sense. Try thinking of some combination that will possibly give it a pejorative meaning. It's impossible. Thus, I thought dynamic programming was a good name. It was something not even a Congressman could object to. So I used it as an umbrella for my activities.
— Richard Bellman, Eye of the Hurricane: An Autobiography (1984, page 159)
The word dynamic was chosen by Bellman to capture the time-varying aspect of the problems, and because it sounded impressive.[11] The word programming referred to the use of the method to find an optimal program, in the sense of a military schedule for training or logistics. This usage is the same as that in the phrases linear programming and mathematical programming, a synonym for mathematical optimization.[17]
2022-06-14 11:10:03
2022-06-14 11:49:11
係咪bellman equation果個bellman
2022-06-14 11:51:27
2022-06-14 12:06:57
2022-06-14 18:21:50
2022-06-14 20:22:53
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