24hrs Minecraft Relaxing Survival Server 1.11.2 *whitelist (Final)

219 回覆
10 Like 3 Dislike
2017-07-27 22:58:27

2017-07-27 22:59:33


岩岩睇到 冇野了
2017-07-28 14:05:35
2017-07-29 00:26:11

2017-07-29 00:41:37

2017-08-01 13:40:56
2017-08-01 15:47:53
2017-08-01 15:48:59
有無人有discord id
2017-08-01 23:49:00
2017-08-02 00:30:21
2017-08-02 03:06:49

discord msg jor ur fd about new group,
rc is new player group , for new player to join the server,
and now server is maintenance , today nightfall open,
other old player pls join new group when server open.

i do not want to speak here and i do not push post forever.

if new player need join this server, u can join rc: 20167559
and answer three questions in application form, is not easy ok.

if new player u need easy to play minecraft at lihkg server,
u can join https://lihkg.com/thread/339716/page/1
2017-08-02 12:57:22

discord msg jor ur fd about new group,
rc is new player group , for new player to join the server,
and now server is maintenance , today nightfall open,
other old player pls join new group when server open.

i do not want to speak here and i do not push post forever.

if new player need join this server, u can join rc: 20167559
and answer three questions in application form, is not easy ok.

if new player u need easy to play minecraft at lihkg server,
u can join https://lihkg.com/thread/339716/page/1

discord點入?我之前試過係個WEB版打完NUMBER 搵但乜都無
2017-08-02 13:16:15
2017-08-02 22:22:24
2017-08-11 14:53:03
2017-08-29 16:19:27
求加: iamblazee
可唔可以加埋女朋友: nuniiisntbad
2017-08-31 21:15:01
2017-09-01 02:49:50

2017-09-01 17:14:02
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞