Hello Peter (168)

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2021-11-17 12:34:30

2021-11-17 13:06:47

Lizard 俾空氣俾人打左一下
2021-11-17 13:26:36
In Scott Lang We Trust
2021-11-17 14:08:11
2021-11-17 14:14:25
2021-11-17 14:32:43
Sandman team kill
2021-11-17 15:58:54
所以先有madness of multiverse
2021-11-17 16:12:15
可能唔係救所有 只係想救Otto(預告好似係幫手唔係敵人)
2021-11-17 18:45:06
今次期待既程度拍得住infinity war
2021-11-17 19:07:56
2021-11-18 00:08:56
The production of No Way Home sounds like total chaos. As the first day of filming approached, several key actors hadn’t signed on yet. “Some people were trying to figure out whether they wanted to do it, and we needed all of them or none,” Holland says. The movie was reportedly going to be released after the upcoming Doctor Strange sequel, but when that film was delayed by COVID, it was decided that No Way Home would go first, requiring changes to the plot. Even once filming was underway, the script was being rewritten on an almost daily basis. “You could ask the director, ‘What happens in act three?’ And his response would be, ‘I’m still trying to figure it out,’ ” Holland says.

Anyway, the day finally came to shoot the big finale, “the crescendo scene, like, is this really fucking happening? It’s crazy.” Only, it wasn’t working. “I kept stopping and being like, ‘I’m so sorry, I just don’t believe what I’m saying.’ ” The director, Jon Watts, took him aside, and Holland told him: It wasn’t me. The scene was wrong. “We sat down, we went through it, and we came up with a new idea,” Holland says. “Then we pitched it to the writers, they rewrote it, and it works great.”

2021-11-18 00:17:45
2021-11-18 06:36:40
Marvel會唔會出shadow warrior trailer
2021-11-18 09:08:37

2021-11-18 09:39:55
2021-11-18 10:00:59

2021-11-18 10:10:33
咁都希望佢會做多幾集先 真係將個角色故事完結咗先啦
2021-11-18 10:14:03
同埋佢都仲好後生 大把機會
2021-11-18 10:35:37

2021-11-18 12:04:48
下個應該係miles morales
2021-11-18 13:09:30
2021-11-19 02:34:13
2021-11-19 23:12:05
Marvel Studios has a top-secret project with Scarlett Johansson in the works. Kevin Feige revealed this news during an American Cinematheque Award ceremony honoring the Black Widow actress. Now, it isn't another Black Widow solo movie, because she's a producer on the project.
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