[OKNOTOK] Radiohead討論區 (1)

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2017-06-30 00:05:46
top 10
1. Weird Fishes
2. Reckoner
3. Let Down
4. Pyramid Song
5. PA
6. Motion Picture
7. Glass Eyes
8. Morning Bell
9. Kid A
10. Ful Stop

我嘅AMSP #1 都係daydreaming

其實top ten好難裝得晒 我自己打完都發覺漏幾個 不過算數

我覺得愈多就愈難揀, 五至十呢d真係唔同時間問我答案都唔同

2017-06-30 00:13:03
不過Amsp我肯定我最鍾意Glass Eyes
2017-06-30 01:26:42
完全無關係, 最近開始聽 RHCP , 有冇好介紹

其實有關係 Thom Yorke自己講過Reckoner個riff係俾John Frusciante彈結他個方式啟發

你想我介紹RHCP啲碟?個人比較鍾意JF時期嘅碟 可以聽晒佢
當中以Stadium Arcadium我覺得最正
我最佩服其實係John Frusciante啲個人專輯

Thanks, 兩個我都會聽下, YouTube d quality 真係有點差

漏咗講 Thom Yorke同Flea隊band Atoms For Peace
聽到無嘢聽都可以聽下 我覺得水準都高

Eraser 同 amok 都有聽, 淨係冇聽到 tomorrow modern box
2017-06-30 01:29:16
完全無關係, 最近開始聽 RHCP , 有冇好介紹

好多好多年前有聽, 由californication 開始, 呢隻正, 但聽到stadium arcadium我就冇聽

可以搵吓佢地d精選嚟聽, under the bridge, give in away呢d係經典作品

YouTube 係咁聽緊, 覺得好聽, 但硬係覺得冇衝動再番聽
2017-06-30 01:30:30
我只有頭二, Faust Arp 同 Jigsaw falling into place
2017-06-30 01:30:43
完全無關係, 最近開始聽 RHCP , 有冇好介紹

好多好多年前有聽, 由californication 開始, 呢隻正, 但聽到stadium arcadium我就冇聽

可以搵吓佢地d精選嚟聽, under the bridge, give in away呢d係經典作品

YouTube 係咁聽緊, 覺得好聽, 但硬係覺得冇衝動再番聽

2017-06-30 01:33:34
完全無關係, 最近開始聽 RHCP , 有冇好介紹

好多好多年前有聽, 由californication 開始, 呢隻正, 但聽到stadium arcadium我就冇聽

可以搵吓佢地d精選嚟聽, under the bridge, give in away呢d係經典作品

YouTube 係咁聽緊, 覺得好聽, 但硬係覺得冇衝動再番聽


2017-06-30 01:57:52
完全無關係, 最近開始聽 RHCP , 有冇好介紹

好多好多年前有聽, 由californication 開始, 呢隻正, 但聽到stadium arcadium我就冇聽

可以搵吓佢地d精選嚟聽, under the bridge, give in away呢d係經典作品

YouTube 係咁聽緊, 覺得好聽, 但硬係覺得冇衝動再番聽

可能口味轉咗, 對佢地呢十年嘅作品都冇興趣, 舊碟都好少攞返出嚟聽, 仲排賣碟仲賣埋隻stadium arcadia

不過californication 同by the way 有回憶, 所以唔賣
2017-06-30 01:58:24
我只有頭二, Faust Arp 同 Jigsaw falling into place


in rainbows 除咗nude我最鐘意all i need.
2017-06-30 02:03:45
完全無關係, 最近開始聽 RHCP , 有冇好介紹

好多好多年前有聽, 由californication 開始, 呢隻正, 但聽到stadium arcadium我就冇聽

可以搵吓佢地d精選嚟聽, under the bridge, give in away呢d係經典作品

YouTube 係咁聽緊, 覺得好聽, 但硬係覺得冇衝動再番聽

可能口味轉咗, 對佢地呢十年嘅作品都冇興趣, 舊碟都好少攞返出嚟聽, 仲排賣碟仲賣埋隻stadium arcadia

不過californication 同by the way 有回憶, 所以唔賣

yes, 我以前好迷RHCP 而家無咁迷 但都仲會聽 新結他手其實都幾有料
不過好多回憶係真 我成個中學生涯一半以上時間都係聽RHCP
SA我應該唔會賣 隻碟好多歌我都好鍾意
當中有我覺得RHCP No.1嘅歌 Wet Sand
2017-06-30 02:04:43
我就幾鐘意Go Slowly
2017-06-30 02:05:57
我只有頭二, Faust Arp 同 Jigsaw falling into place


in rainbows 除咗nude我最鐘意all i need.

In Rainbows 淨係Arpeggi同Reckoner 兩隻都已經夠屈機
Nude, Bodysnatcher, 15 Step, All I Need 我都超鍾意
2017-06-30 02:21:52
完全無關係, 最近開始聽 RHCP , 有冇好介紹

好多好多年前有聽, 由californication 開始, 呢隻正, 但聽到stadium arcadium我就冇聽

可以搵吓佢地d精選嚟聽, under the bridge, give in away呢d係經典作品

YouTube 係咁聽緊, 覺得好聽, 但硬係覺得冇衝動再番聽

可能口味轉咗, 對佢地呢十年嘅作品都冇興趣, 舊碟都好少攞返出嚟聽, 仲排賣碟仲賣埋隻stadium arcadia

不過californication 同by the way 有回憶, 所以唔賣

yes, 我以前好迷RHCP 而家無咁迷 但都仲會聽 新結他手其實都幾有料
不過好多回憶係真 我成個中學生涯一半以上時間都係聽RHCP
SA我應該唔會賣 隻碟好多歌我都好鍾意
當中有我覺得RHCP No.1嘅歌 Wet Sand

californication係我行hmv 聽到佢播, 嗰時唔知咩band, 覺得好好聽就埋去試聽, 然後即買

by the way 係會考嗰陣

2017-06-30 02:24:43
我只有頭二, Faust Arp 同 Jigsaw falling into place


in rainbows 除咗nude我最鐘意all i need.

In Rainbows 淨係Arpeggi同Reckoner 兩隻都已經夠屈機
Nude, Bodysnatcher, 15 Step, All I Need 我都超鍾意

in rainbows 可能係我第二嘅radiohead 碟, 第三先OKC
2017-06-30 02:27:11
我只有頭二, Faust Arp 同 Jigsaw falling into place


in rainbows 除咗nude我最鐘意all i need.

In Rainbows 淨係Arpeggi同Reckoner 兩隻都已經夠屈機
Nude, Bodysnatcher, 15 Step, All I Need 我都超鍾意

in rainbows 可能係我第二嘅radiohead 碟, 第三先OKC

我有時In Rainbows第一有時Kid A
第三原本係Okc 但好似慢慢俾AMSP取替
2017-06-30 03:13:22
我只有頭二, Faust Arp 同 Jigsaw falling into place


in rainbows 除咗nude我最鐘意all i need.

D 朋友冇乜人聽 rock, 最多係LP同 one republic, 以前覺得我聽 muse, RH 同 blue 以經覺得自己好潮, 但以家越黎越覺得自己聽d 野其實好窄同埋其實自己好中意pop 野, 其中一隊我聽得最多係 OOR

去完 indie post 唯一一隊有繼績聽係事後煙
2017-06-30 03:39:54
我只有頭二, Faust Arp 同 Jigsaw falling into place


in rainbows 除咗nude我最鐘意all i need.

D 朋友冇乜人聽 rock, 最多係LP同 one republic, 以前覺得我聽 muse, RH 同 blue 以經覺得自己好潮, 但以家越黎越覺得自己聽d 野其實好窄同埋其實自己好中意pop 野, 其中一隊我聽得最多係 OOR

去完 indie post 唯一一隊有繼績聽係事後煙

2017-06-30 04:20:56
我只有頭二, Faust Arp 同 Jigsaw falling into place


in rainbows 除咗nude我最鐘意all i need.

D 朋友冇乜人聽 rock, 最多係LP同 one republic, 以前覺得我聽 muse, RH 同 blue 以經覺得自己好潮, 但以家越黎越覺得自己聽d 野其實好窄同埋其實自己好中意pop 野, 其中一隊我聽得最多係 OOR

去完 indie post 唯一一隊有繼績聽係事後煙


好多佢地post 嘅嘢我都唔識
2017-06-30 12:24:41
One more thing, non-sound related: there's no booklet. NOTHING. You get the 2 cds, that's it. Maybe they expect you to just use Wikipedia and Genius instead (irony, eh?).


2017-06-30 15:20:02
One more thing, non-sound related: there's no booklet. NOTHING. You get the 2 cds, that's it. Maybe they expect you to just use Wikipedia and Genius instead (irony, eh?).


2017-06-30 15:20:51
One more thing, non-sound related: there's no booklet. NOTHING. You get the 2 cds, that's it. Maybe they expect you to just use Wikipedia and Genius instead (irony, eh?).



2017-06-30 15:33:21
One more thing, non-sound related: there's no booklet. NOTHING. You get the 2 cds, that's it. Maybe they expect you to just use Wikipedia and Genius instead (irony, eh?).




Deluxe version 冇 booklet 夠哂 wow喇掛
2017-06-30 20:20:53

歐版cd warehouse 已出
2017-06-30 21:14:47
呢度邊個有最多隻ok computer (cd+膠)
2017-06-30 21:21:37
呢度邊個有最多隻ok computer (cd+膠)

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