[HKU/CU CP] 有無人有報左今年Clin Psy

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2021-06-23 19:40:29
Ya i have my histories (Social Anxiety Disorder with high school dropout histories) too but I am very very careful/selective in disclosure in professional settings or same field people.

I am *not* a CP but a psyc researcher. One thing I wanna emphasize is that most people aren't suitable to be CPs. There are many ways (Youtuber, art, music, mental health advocate, building apps, data science, movie maker, psychoeducation, etc etc) for ppl with lived experience to contribute to the field of mental health without being a CP... I dreamed about becoming a CP, and gave up long time ago coz I realize I am not sociable and not stable enough (I can function very well most of the time in research / communication with collaborators). Do something that one is suitable for.

I am working on / will work on research on perceived stigma, actual stigma, and disclosure *within the field* (wanna collect data in HK), and related factors. great to get some ideas here!
2021-06-23 19:44:52
There are obviously some very successful wounded healers/researchers (CPs) - I heard of some in HK, many in foreign countries. it is about fit, stability, personality, etc
2021-06-24 07:57:38
Yes. That’s true.
I should emphasise the mental health stability of therapists. Wounded healers are much appreciated. However I am afraid “bleeding” healers is unethical.
2021-06-24 08:04:35
Ya i have heard of dark sides and even tragedies of *some* therapists with lived exp. It is kind of a risk that the admission committee has to consider so faculty members (despite their lived exp) are super careful in selecting applicants. That's why taking rest when needed, or making adjustments (changing to part-time, referring when needed, seeing fewer clients, not seeing clients with similar issues temporarily) is a very important ethical responsibility, and should be emphasized during CP/counseling training. Some ppl are too scared of disclosure (due to obv reasons) to colleagues/supervisors and this can be problematic for both the therapist and clients at times when there is functional impairment. That's why a more open culture can be helpful to facilitate disclosure/help seeking
2021-06-24 13:22:32
Very well said, thank you very much!

I am planning to work on research on MHPs and researchers with lived exp in HK, would be great if we can PM (telegram = @testingkah) so that I can get some ideas
2021-07-15 18:12:38

The preprint I mentioned is just out. ~50% formal diagnoses, >80% formal diagnosis + mental health conditions *without* formal diagnosis among faculty and grad students in US and Can
2021-07-15 20:32:02
2021-07-15 21:03:05
2021-07-16 08:26:55
2021-07-16 21:28:15
2021-07-18 01:39:04
2021-09-30 15:50:49
想問下final year 係咪都可以apply住 hkps graduate membership先?

定一定要畢咗業先可以apply? Thanks!
2021-09-30 21:28:37
Hello 可唔可以tg你? 今年final year, 有啲申請程序想問清楚
2021-10-12 23:48:02
有無人想開個tg group for 2022-23 admission既交流
2021-10-15 03:11:19
2021-12-16 06:10:20
+1 留名
2021-12-21 09:18:58
2021-12-22 03:22:44
2021-12-22 15:26:37
2021-12-30 08:36:54
2021-12-31 02:37:51
2021-12-31 02:38:47
+1 留名
2021-12-31 17:59:13
話說有冇人知apply中大嘅cp master program 啲addition information (thesis abstract, recommendation, self description 同 statement) upload 去邊?佢網上system 剩喺可以upload 兩份document去others 嗰項
2021-12-31 18:14:07
2022-02-21 20:46:46
請問有冇人收到interview 通知?
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞