New Balance 討論區 (27)

1001 回覆
7 Like 4 Dislike
2020-08-15 17:31:33
2020-08-15 17:38:11
諗緊入唔入對全黑v5本身有993gr nv
2020-08-15 18:03:13
2020-08-15 18:59:59
990IG5 同GL5有咩分別
2020-08-15 19:05:58
IG5 牛皮 皮面磨砂感較幼細
GL5 豬皮 皮面較粗糙 (New Balance 大部分款式都用呢個素材)
2020-08-15 21:51:07
2020-08-15 22:08:24
2020-08-15 22:31:02
已block 耳根清靜
2020-08-15 23:20:54
之前睇中咗992tn, 但對鞋款太大舊
所以後尾都係揀咗990 & 991嘅款
2020-08-16 00:28:07
有冇人有著850 其實幾好著同幾易襯
2020-08-16 01:07:03
2020-08-16 01:21:55
2020-08-16 02:23:35
2020-08-16 11:03:21
仲未有基佬巴打po 327上腳圖嘅喂
2020-08-16 12:19:14
2020-08-16 16:59:14
試左327 款係靚但真唔係咁舒服 原價可以買到都卻步
2020-08-16 18:03:07

2020-08-16 19:52:06
2020-08-16 19:57:09
2020-08-16 20:20:44
2020-08-16 20:33:36
全新 US 8
2020-08-16 20:44:34
個白色N字 落雨仲會染到其他色 即刻柒哂
800蚊買對甘既鞋 制唔過
2020-08-17 03:28:58
2020-08-17 11:07:48

2020-08-17 13:14:20
The t-shirts👕in New Balance come in seven sizes: extra extra small, extra small, small, medium, large, extra large and extra extra large. Their trousers 👖come in many sizes. These trousers👖 are the wrong size. They aren't my size. They aren't my cousin's size either. This pair of trousers👖 is a size thirty six. Do you have these trousers in a size thirty one? I'm a size thirty one in trousers whereas my cousin generally wears a size thirty four. However, I would like to try a size thirty one pair and a size thirty three pair for size. If both pairs aren't my size, can they be cut to size? If not, I'll need to get them cut to size elsewhere. What's your size shoes👞👟🥾? Whst size dress 👗🥻does your cousin take? What size blouse 👚is Susannah? I'd like to try this leather coat 🧥in a smaller size. Do you have it in a smaller size because I think it's one size too large. I need a smaller size. My friend Leonardo has tried it and it's the right size. This branch doesn't have the pink shirt👔 in my size so I'll have to visit another branch. My friend Susannah generally wears a size eight in skirts and small size in blouses 👚. She takes size nine in shoes while I'm a size nine and a half. A notice in the shop says "If you spend over eight hundred dollars 💵💰💳🧾in a single transaction, you get a pocket-sized mirror as a free gift." I'm going to make Susannah a gift🎁of a link blouse👚, a bikini 👙and a pair of mom shorts 🩳along with the pocket-size mirror.
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞