【521香港獨立宣言】集合所有人力量 今晚九點前我要所有人睇過!

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2020-05-21 21:13:58
2020-05-21 21:14:32
2020-05-21 21:15:03
第4 Court串錯
第5 composed of 串錯
2020-05-21 21:16:04
2020-05-21 21:16:06
Principles for a Temporary Constitution of Hong Kong

1. Hong Kong territories could not be changed without Referendum of Hong Kong citizens.

2. Hong Kong Citizens enjoy the equal right to vote and to stand for election without unreasonable restrictions.

3. Chief Executive will be replaced by Governor and retained as Cerenomial Head of State. The administrative power will be exercised by Chief Minister subject to constitution.

4. The power of Governor and Chief Minister are all subject to constitution. Court of Final Appeal uphold the ultimate right of interpretation.

5. Hong Kong original legislature will be reformed. Direct constituency will be reformed as House of Representatives while functional constituency will be reformed as Senate. The Hong Kong Parliament is comopsed of House of Representatives and Senate. They will be regarded as Lower and Upper House respectively. This constituency could not be changed without consent of Parliament.

6. House of Representatives will be formed by election by Hong Kong citizens. Senate will be formed by Hong Kong citizens holding specific qualifications.

7. The right to amendment of constitution belongs to Hong Kong Parliament (i.e. Senate and House of Representatives of Hong Kong)

8. Hong Kong Paliament must follow this constitution and must not adopt tyranny.

9. Local affairs will be handled by Urban Council and District Council. Both Councils are formed by election by Hong Kong citizens.

10. Holder of confidence of House of Representatives will be appointed as Chief minister. Cabinet members will be nominated by chief minister and appointed by Governor. The cabinet members must be members of House of Representatives.

11. Chief minister and cabinent members could not be member of Senate.

12. Hong Kong Police will be responsible for Hong Kong defence and security issues after the reform instructed by parliament. Its operation will be supervised by Ministry of Police of the Cabinet.

13. Without consent of parliament, Hong Kong government could not go into any international agreements or treaties.

2020-05-21 21:16:29
2020-05-21 21:16:59
2020-05-21 21:17:15
Principles for a Temporary Constitution of Hong Kong

1. Hong Kong territories could not be changed without Referendum of Hong Kong citizens.

2. Hong Kong Citizens enjoy the equal right to vote and to stand for election without unreasonable restrictions.

3. Chief Executive will be replaced by Governor and retained as Cerenomial Head of State. The administrative power will be exercised by Chief Minister subject to constitution.

4. The power of Governor and Chief Minister are all subject to constitution. Court of Final Appeal uphold the ultimate right of interpretation.

5. Hong Kong original legislature will be reformed. Direct constituency will be reformed as House of Representatives while functional constituency will be reformed as Senate. The Hong Kong Parliament is compsed of House of Representatives and Senate. They will be regarded as Lower and Upper House respectively. This constituency could not be changed without consent of Parliament.

6. House of Representatives will be formed by election by Hong Kong citizens. Senate will be formed by Hong Kong citizens holding specific qualifications.

7. The right to amendment of constitution belongs to Hong Kong Parliament (i.e. Senate and House of Representatives of Hong Kong)

8. Hong Kong Paliament must follow this constitution and must not adopt tyranny.

9. Local affairs will be handled by Urban Council and District Council. Both Councils are formed by election by Hong Kong citizens.

10. Holder of confidence of House of Representatives will be appointed as Chief minister. Cabinet members will be nominated by chief minister and appointed by Governor. The cabinet members must be members of House of Representatives.

11. Chief minister and cabinent members could not be member of Senate.

12. Hong Kong Police will be responsible for Hong Kong defence and security issues after the reform instructed by parliament. Its operation will be supervised by Ministry of Police of the Cabinet.

13. Without consent of parliament, Hong Kong government could not go into any international agreements or treaties.

2020-05-21 21:17:30
2020-05-21 21:18:14
2020-05-21 21:18:34
2020-05-21 21:19:18
2020-05-21 21:19:55
2020-05-21 21:20:01
2020-05-21 21:20:09
2020-05-21 21:20:41
2020-05-21 21:21:14
2020-05-21 21:21:15
2020-05-21 21:21:31
2020-05-21 21:21:56
香港獨立 雖一出路
2020-05-21 21:22:10
2020-05-21 21:22:49
2020-05-21 21:22:49
2020-05-21 21:23:11
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞