(q1_soundlab does field audio work like recording/mixing)
Description says that on May 5th, they recorded audio for an interview, performance, and cover video w/ @loonatheworld
雖然冇PO野 但今日都有野做
田姬振2020-05-06 11:19:39
聽日會上88rising個Asia Rising Forever Online Festival
隱藏能力者2020-05-06 11:31:38
但繼續冇lip hyeju同haseul
田姬振2020-05-06 11:33:32
唉 又唔講咩事 比我地放心下都好丫連續兩個Schedule
小狗裕姝2020-05-06 12:46:38
田姬振2020-05-06 20:18:40
隱藏能力者2020-05-06 20:21:13
掛住整所以唔出嚟黑人問號 有個咁嘅post
HaSeul2020-05-06 20:23:29
田姬振2020-05-06 20:24:13
韓飯今日好似刷過# 想知Liphye咩事唔去兩次行程
唔講 反而呢個時候又出個奇怪PO R哂頭
小狗裕姝2020-05-07 09:00:02
200507 #LOONA Choerry, Yeojin & Yves will participate in Fact iN Star recording on May 11th at 4:30pm
Yves will be hosting the episode with Yoo Jaehwan. Choerry & Yeojin will be guests along with Sleepy & Jaehyo (BlockB)