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2020-04-09 16:42:57

2020-04-09 17:03:36
2020-04-09 17:04:36
2020-04-09 17:07:36
2020-04-09 17:09:19
岩岩燙件Black Scandal ,覺得好難燙,怪自己懶無手洗
2020-04-09 17:14:29
2020-04-09 17:15:39
2020-04-09 17:50:36
2020-04-09 18:06:16
2020-04-09 18:10:14
2020-04-09 19:23:00
2020-04-09 19:27:59
2020-04-09 19:39:40
2020-04-09 19:40:40
2020-04-09 19:58:34
2020-04-09 22:49:12
2020-04-10 00:34:34
2020-04-10 15:22:51
2020-04-10 15:30:23
2020-04-10 16:09:59
I want to match my pink shirt to a pair of khaki chinos. Pink matches khaki and beige. Pink goes with black and white as well. It also matches up with sky blue and navy blue. Unfortunately, Zara IFC is undergoing refurbishment. Apparently it's being retrofitted with new clothes racks, shelves and updated door jambs. Oh well, I suppose I can go to another branch. My friend Stephen isn't very well-to-do whereas his girlfriend's family is very well-off. Last tuesday, he threw a party at his place where cheap wines were served. The sofas in his flat are made of some cheap material. His television is cheap and nasty. As some of us wanted to watch the news, I said "If I could turn the television on please." He then said "Sure. If you would switch to the news channel." Recently, he got some new clothes on the cheap from a shop facing possible liquidation. He bought a cheap pair of sneakers that fell apart after a couple months so I bought him a good quality pair . He's told men to buy new shoes. He's very cheap with the air conditioner too- it's only on for an hour each day then he turns on the fans and opens the windows instead but his air conditioner was dirt cheap. He vacationed in Macau last month but he's so cheap he didn't even buy us postcards. He stayed in a three-star hotel where it serves cheap and cheerful food and sells cheap and cheerful clothes. He's a cornetist. He explained to us regarding a piece by Haydn "This passage should be played beautifully rather than rhythmically, otherwise it's a bit cheap." I saw lots of his pencil marks on the score, such as cantabile, silence, no pause here, just separate, clean pedal, more melodic voicing, remain soft, stay soft, quiet, hear tenor, clearer, articulate, in time, silvery soft, gentler, take time.... Regarding teaching, he said "I prefer payment in blocks. My students pay monthly or for four lessons at a time. For this month, it's okay to pay on a lesson-by-lesson basis because maybe you wanna see what it's like to have lessons. From next month onwards, pay monthly. Students of all standards are welcome. I'm also an accompanist who accompanies singers for live performances." He asked me to get hom some Clementi scores as I can get them on the cheap from a friend of mine. We watched a boxing match in which Paul hit Chris with a cheap shot after he lost to Chris. We also watched a comedy show which was full of cheap laughs. The comedian is famous for his vulgar manner and wearing a vulgar suit. His grandfather was a cheap gangster and liar. His jokes and jibes were cheap and vulgar. Anyway, I think it's time to get my beauty sleep. My girlfriend has tumbled into her duvet and got some of her beauty sleep. Night, sleep well !
2020-04-10 16:10:52
2020-04-10 17:21:07
2020-04-10 18:03:21
2020-04-10 18:04:35
2020-04-10 18:07:33
短袖笠件外套, perfect
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞