好有Insight同值得睇嘅一篇訪問 由我開始對MMM了解多d 我一直覺得佢地超強嘅唱功同音樂上嘅獨特性係佢地最大嘅優點同吸飯之處 係佢地同其他女團最大嘅分別 所以keep住呢個自由度係必須 KDH都深明呢點
'That's why I've normally thought that MMM's dream needs to be supported for them to go on for a
longer time. Within certain bounds that don't push things, I think things need to be done in the direction they want for them to have fun doing it.' 我自己覺得被圈飯做到moomoo嘅好多其實唔係為乜而係佢地嘅音樂 而喺kpop因為呢個原因被圈我諗好少有
因為咁就算佢地年紀開始大都冇咁易會脫飯 覺得佢地會走得比一般女團耐 希望佢地得 都好期待將來見到更多各自成員嘅不同音樂風格