3M N95型口罩 8210/9010/8210V/9010V 分別/氣密測試教學

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2020-01-27 01:35:30
想問一問3M啲n95 product 不論係for medical or industrial use 係咪都有做BFE同PFE test
2020-01-27 02:16:46
“The N95 is made by various manufacturers under different names, from MSA's "Affinity Foldable Respirator" to 3M's "Particulate Respirator." Look for "NIOSH N95" on the package; the "N95" is a government efficiency rating that means the mask blocks about 95 percent of particles that are 0.3 microns in size or larger.”

“Test articles are challenged with particles of the most penetrating particle size range, 0.3 µm.”

就咁睇8字頭嘅n95得NIOSH認證,過濾到嘅particle size 係 0.3 um,唔夠防wars,重要有啲係冇防水功能
2020-01-27 09:04:19
3M 1860 有冇用?
2020-01-27 09:55:52
2020-01-27 09:58:14
有,只要唔係面對面打乞嗤同噴算,其同 medical n95一樣
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