[5分鷹入] 2019-2020 轉會情報 (12)

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2019-12-17 17:32:02
Ancelotti-Everton, here we go! 🔵

Carlo Ancelotti is ready to sign as new Everton manager. Total agreement has been reached on last hours and now he’ll start talks with Napoli to get free from his contract until June 2021. Then, it’ll be official and he’ll join Everton.

[Fabrizio Romano]
2019-12-17 21:30:15
2019-12-17 21:30:39
2019-12-17 21:39:11
2019-12-18 08:22:04
Pep Guardiola asked whether he wanted Mikel Arteta’s future to be settled soon... and he said: “Yes, I think so. It’s going to happen quick. I don’t know. On next hours we travel to Oxford, so I don’t know”. 🔴 #AFC #Arsenal #MCFC
2019-12-18 08:37:41
Håland situation, right now...

Bid from Man United.
Bid from Juventus.
Bid from Leipzig.
Bid from Borussia Dortmund.

He’s going to decide soon with his family and Raiola.
Ole knows he wants to play. He wants to be a starter.
That will be the key of his next move.
🇳🇴⏳ #Haaland

Fabrizio Romano
2019-12-18 09:06:15
Also Solskjaer knows Håland wants to play. He’d never accept a club where he’d not play every week.

To get Håland, Man Utd or Juve must promise him to be a starter (and give him a great contract).

That’s why Bundesliga clubs are still in the race, and pushing.

Talks ongoing ⏳

just remember: going to Leipzig would mean business for Red Bull, same ownership of Salzburg and no release clause problems. So, Leipzig (and also BVB) must be considered in the race for Håland as Man United and Juventus. But only the player must and will decide! 🇳🇴 #Haaland
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