[5分鷹入] 2019-2020 轉會情報 (12)

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2020-01-06 16:23:46
Manuel Neuer only wants to commit his future to Bayern by signing a new contract when he knows who will be the coach next season. Hansi Flick is very much estimated by Neuer. Neuer wants a tactically sound coach who can reach the team & fits with Bayern's philosophy [Kicker]
2020-01-06 16:25:23
For Kai Havertz, it's important to know who will be Bayern long term coach before making his decision on whether to move to Munich. Working under Hansi Flick is conceivable for him. Flick also has a link to Leroy Sané & was in contact with him even after his injury [@Plettigoal]
2020-01-06 16:58:26
Harry Winks is a transfer target for Manchester United AND Manchester City. United want him in January, City in the summer. (Source: @David_Ornstein)
2020-01-06 17:01:48
Harry Winks都有人爭
2020-01-06 17:06:42
2020-01-06 18:31:13
我反而覺得佢簽咗拉奧拿 拉奧拿會搵到唔小隊買佢
2020-01-06 18:32:17
2020-01-06 18:37:15
2020-01-06 18:43:11
West Ham are expected to wrap up a deal in the region of £4million for Darren Randolph within the next 48 hours, reports @TheAthleticUK

2020-01-06 19:15:14
2020-01-06 19:21:13
2020-01-06 19:22:17
我覺得連加特應該都係想轉會先會簽拉奧拿 好地地簽佢做乜
2020-01-06 19:38:25
2020-01-06 19:47:04
Ed Aarons @ed_aarons
Villa and Newcastle looking at six-month deal for Brighton striker Glenn Murray
2020-01-06 19:49:07
2020-01-06 20:03:11
2020-01-06 20:16:03
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞