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2019-12-12 19:25:01
突發 中大二號橋二噁英完整報告流出
- 分享自 LIHKG 討論區
2019-12-12 19:28:02
2019-12-12 20:57:12
2019-12-12 21:22:41
2019-12-12 22:14:21
8 a) The relation is an=2an-1+2

b) at end of month n, no fo male/female rabbits=2+22+23+....+2n

c) The below is the progression of male/female rabbits

1 month - 2, 2 month - 4+2= 22+2, 3 months = 23+22+2, 4 months = 24+23+22+2

So in n months = 2+22+23+....+2n

9 a) The set of colorings - red, white and blue can be divided into two categories. Those that end in a blue or white square start with coloring of length n−1. Those that end in a red square start with coloring of length n−2. So it can be colored like this - a white or blue square, then the red square.

This gives the recurrence relation hn = 2hn-1+2hn-2.

b) so h0 = 1, h1 = 3, h2 = 8. The characteristic polynomial is r2−2r−2, which has roots r1 = 1+√ 3 and r2= 1 − √ 3; hence the general solution is hn = α(r1)n + β(r2)n.

c)Applying the initial conditions, 1 = h0 = α + β,

3 = h1 = αr + βr2, which has solution α = (3 + 2√ 3)/6, β = (3 − 2 √ 3)/6.

Hence the solution is hn = (3+2√ 3)/6 (1 + √ 3)n+ (3−2 √ 3)/6 (1 − √ 3)n .
2019-12-12 22:27:48
question hasnt been answered yet
2019-12-12 22:30:14

2019-12-12 22:31:06
2019-12-12 22:32:40
2019-12-12 22:41:48
a)Journal Entries

Sr.No. Description Debit Credit
1 Insurance expenses A/c…………Dr $52,500
To Prepaid Insurance $52,500
(Being insurance expenses for half of the year from 1 July to 31 Dec recorded)
2 Salary A/c……………Dr $3,000
To Salary Payable $3,000
(Being outstanding salary paid as on 31 December 2019)
3 Advertisement A/c………Dr $50,000
To Advertisement Exp Payable A/c………Dr $50,000
(being placing advertisement through web platform)
4 Supplies A/c…………Dr $1,000
To Supplier A/c $1,000
(being supplies purchased)
5 No Entry Required
If the contingent loss is remote, meaning it has a less than 50 percent chance of occurring, the liability should not be reflected on the balance sheet.
6 Unearned Revenue A/c……………..Dr $5,000
To Sales $5,000
Being t-shirt delivered to customer of which advance has received earlier)
6 Cash/Bank A/c……………….Dr $2,000
To Unearned revenue A/c $2,000
(Being advance received for t-shirt to be delivered in next month)
7 Interest A/c………..Dr $1,125
To Cash/Bank $1,125
(Being interest paid on 31 Dec for the first quarter End on$75000@1.5%P.Q.)
8 Income Tax expenses A/c…………Dr $100,800
To Income tax payable A/c $100,800
(being income tax liability payable on 31 March 2020)
9 Depreciation A/c…………..Dr $8,750
To Accumulated Depreciation $8,750
(Being depreciation provided from June to Dec 2019)$120000/8 years/12 Month*7 month)

b)Income Statement Amount
Sales Revenue $2,525,000.00
Less:Sales return and allowances $156,000.00
Net Sales $2,369,000.00
Lessurchases $821,250.00
Less:Supplies(6250+1000) $7,250.00
Gross Profit $1,540,500.00
Insurance Expenses(52500+75000) $127,500.00
Office supplies $1,800.00
Depreciation($130000-$10000)/8 Years $15,000.00
Interest On 6% notes($75000*1.5%per quarter) $1,125.00
Salary Expenses $660,750.00
Rent Expenses $242,000.00
Advertisement Expenses($188000+$50000) $238,000.00
interest expenses($750+1125) $1,875
Income Before tax $252,450.00
Less:Tax Expenses $103,600.00
Income after tax $148,850.00
2019-12-12 22:43:54
2019-12-12 22:59:25
笑死 個鬼佬鳩做
2019-12-12 23:08:57
碌完啲題目 發現手寫個啲好撚多錯
2019-12-12 23:17:35
2019-12-12 23:18:22
2019-12-13 00:43:59
2019-12-13 00:52:56
thank you ching
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