我們普通法中的侵權法,要求人在特定情況下,有責任確保他人免受傷害,這責任在法律上稱為「謹慎責任」(Duty of care),負上此責任的人假若沒採取合理行為,履行責任,便有可能構成「疏忽」,並需作出賠償。具體例子可以是,食物供應者有責任確保出售食物安全衛生、醫生對病人的治療要合乎專業標準、司機須顧及乘客及其他道路使用者的安全。不過,我們的法律,並沒有要求途人(不論他有沒有專業醫護知識),要負上對危急或有需要的陌生人施予援助的「謹慎責任」。換句話說,就途人和陌生人而言,「見死不救」,一般並不構成法律責任
This is equivalent to war crime in HK.
Police threw tear gas from both sides of the people who got stuck in front of a commercial building CITIC, pushing people to retreat into the building but all but one revolving door was opened for the protesters to escape.
It was so lucky that no one dies during the escape process.