
265 回覆
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2019-05-28 09:31:59
2019-05-28 09:42:48
China can propose application to HK Gov. But HK Gov CANNOT reject their application due to any doubts on China’s unfair trail.

呢句的確係唔岩 香港係可以拒絕移交但係會唔會係另一回事
There is a chance to let China government arrest anyone in Hong Kong with Hong Kong government assist. Now Hong Kong people do not trust their government will protect civil rights in Hong Kong

2019-05-28 09:48:18
我睇新聞係寫 "法庭無權質疑對方審訊不公而拒絕申請"
2019-05-28 09:50:45
佢可以申請 唔比拒絕申請 一定要審
提交表面證供 成立左冇合理質疑就要拉人 送比中國審
2019-05-28 10:18:29
But Hk gov cannot reject their application. Once the surface proof provided by China is judged as valid, Hk gov has to hand over to China.

我想比外國人知條條例點運作,而assist 有少少虛,佢地會問即係點assist?

同埋唔太想加太多do not trust 呢d用詞,所以篇野先寫咁多事例話比人知中國係點樣,香港人/美國/歐盟又係點睇,等外國人自己諗
2019-05-28 10:36:14
2019-05-28 11:49:08
Ver. 2
CAUTION: China is watching you!

What happened?
Hong Kong government (HK Gov) has proposed an extradition bill on April, in which China becomes an applicable country in handing over fugitives with HK Gov.

China can propose application to HK Gov. But HK Gov CANNOT reject their application. Once the surface proof provided by China is judged as valid, HK Gov has to hand over to China.

FOREIGNERS IN HK will also be applicable to the bill.


Reactions of Hong Kongers
It has aroused a great resentment among the citizens. There were two protests on 31 March and 28 April with 12,000 and 130,000 people involved. The third protest will be on 9 June.

Reactions of international community
Bipartisan letter from Congressional Executive Commission on China of the US
Démarche from the European Union
protest about the bill of leaving foreigners in HK vulnerable to being sent back for an unfair trial on mainland China and damaging HK’s autonomy



How does it relate to _______?
1. You WILL BE affected when you travel/ work/ exchange in HK

“Foreigners who have committed crimes against China and are in Hong Kong will be arrested and handed over to China.”, as explained by China government.

I am a good person. I won’t commit any crimes. So, I won’t be arrested.

“Inciting subversion of state power” and “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” are two famous laws in China.

2009: Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, were convicted for“Inciting subversion of state power” because of his involvement in campaigns to end communist one-party rule in China. He finally died in prison in 2017.

2010: Zhao Lianhai, who were an activist for parents of children harmed during the 2008 Chinese milk scandal, was sentenced to 2.5 years imprisonment for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”

If the bill is passed, the above laws are applicable in HK. That means if you have discussed about Chinese politics or said any one word about Chinese government in __________, and you are in HK, you can be arrested and handed over to China.

Try to search more issues on Internet, eg: Cultural Revolution, June Fourth Incident, Tibet concentration camps, Ai Wei Wei, and think about whether you are guaranteed to have a fair trial in China.

2. Don’t let your friends, family and other __________ become political bargaining chip of China
The US has requested for Meng Wanzhou’s (chairwoman of Huawei) extradition from Canada, while China has arrested at least 3 Canadians in China to threaten Canada.

It is believed that the China-controlled HK Gov proposed such bill at this sensitive moment is to enlarge the power of China to arrest more HK residing foreigners to China.

This can be a counter measure when China is encircled by international community.

There are 58209 whites, 186869 Filipinos, 159901 Indonesians, 9976 Japanese and other ethnic groups living in HK, not to mention the number of tourists from all over the world.

It is completely fine and understandable that you don’t give a shit to freedom and human right of Hong Kongese.

But please DO care about yourselves, friends, family and other _______ who are in the same ethnic group with you.

What can ________ do?
1. Keep an eye on the issue

2. Support your gov when they express any objections or protests on this issue in the future. They are protecting you.

3. Forward this message.

同埋我係認同唔好求人去救香港, 而係比佢地知大陸既真面目, 引起佢地注意同思考就已經足夠
2019-05-28 12:13:23

CAUTION: China is watching you!

What happened?
Hong Kong government (HK Gov) has proposed an extradition bill on April, in which China becomes an applicable country in handing over fugitives with HK Gov.

China can propose application to HK Gov. But HK Gov CANNOT reject their application. Once the surface proof provided by China is judged as valid, HK Gov has to hand over to China.

FOREIGNERS IN HK will also be applicable to the bill.


Reactions of Hongkongese
It has aroused a great resentment among the citizens. There were two protests on 31 March and 28 April with 12,000 and 130,000 people involved. The third protest will be on 9 June.

Reactions of international community
Bipartisan letter from Congressional Executive Commission on China of the US
Démarche from the European Union
protest about the bill of leaving foreigners in HK vulnerable to being sent back for an unfair trial on mainland China and damaging HK’s autonomy



How does it relate to _______?
1. You WILL BE affected when you travel/ work/ exchange in HK

“Foreigners who have committed crimes against China and are in Hong Kong will be arrested and handed over to China.”, as explained by China government.

I am a good person. I won’t commit any crimes. So, I won’t be arrested.

“Inciting subversion of state power” and “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” are two famous laws in China.

2009: Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, were convicted for“Inciting subversion of state power” because of his involvement in campaigns to end communist one-party rule in China. He finally died in prison in 2017.

2010: Zhao Lianhai, who were an activist for parents of children harmed during the 2008 Chinese milk scandal, was sentenced to 2.5 years imprisonment for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”

If the bill is passed, the above laws are applicable in HK. That means if you have discussed about Chinese politics or said any one word about Chinese government in __________, and you are in HK, you can be arrested and handed over to China.

Try to search more issues on Internet, eg: Cultural Revolution, June Fourth Incident, Tibet concentration camps, Ai Wei Wei, and think about whether you are guaranteed to have a fair trial in China.

2. Don’t let your friends, family and other __________ become political bargaining chip of China
The US has requested for Meng Wanzhou’s (chairwoman of Huawei) extradition from Canada, while China has arrested at least 3 Canadians in China to threaten Canada.

It is believed that the China-controlled HK Gov proposed such bill at this sensitive moment is to enlarge the power of China to arrest more HK residing foreigners to China.

This can be a counter measure when China is encircled by international community.

There are 58209 whites, 186869 Filipinos, 159901 Indonesians, 9976 Japanese and other ethnic groups living in HK, not to mention the number of tourists from all over the world.

It is completely fine and understandable that you don’t give a shit to freedom and human right of Hongkongese.

But please DO care about yourselves, friends, family and other _______ who are in the same ethnic group with you.

What can ________ do?
1. Keep an eye on the issue

2. Support your gov when they express any objections or protests on this issue in the future. They are protecting you.

3. Forward this message.

唔好意思, 啱啱先睇到未改曬D hong konger
2019-05-28 12:29:27
2019-05-28 13:36:07
2019-05-28 13:36:15
2019-05-28 15:20:23
2019-05-28 16:22:02
2019-05-28 16:49:14
2019-05-28 16:50:51
2019-05-28 16:56:39
2019-05-28 17:02:31
2019-05-28 17:04:08
2019-05-28 17:18:32

CAUTION: China is watching you!
You WILL BE affected when you travel/ work/ exchange in Hong Kong

“I am a good person. I won’t commit any crimes. So, I won’t be arrested.”

Don’t let your friends, family and other __________ in Hong Kong become political bargaining chip of China

For details: http://tiny.cc/ljce7y

whatsapp/ig/fb/twitter 宣傳可以用呢個啦, gif圖鳴謝某位係整大字報po既巴絲
大家幫幫忙散出去啊, 仲要推reddit po
2019-05-28 17:23:22
第58樓: 雙層芝士媽寶 
2019-05-28 17:26:16
有意見, 有咩改好D,記得同我講啊
2019-05-28 17:28:31
放左上去啦, 幫手推一推
2019-05-28 17:30:28
CAUTION: China is watching you!

What happened?
Hong Kong government (HK Gov) has proposed an amendment on extradition bill on April, adding China as one of the applicable countries in handing over fugitives with HK Gov.

China can propose application to HK Gov. But HK Gov CANNOT reject their application due to any doubts on China’s unfair trail.

FOREIGNERS IN HK will also be applicable to the bill.


Reactions of Hong Kongers
It has aroused a great resentment among the citizens. There were two protests on 31 March and 28 April with 12,000 and 130,000 people involved. The third protest will be on 9 June.

Reactions of international community
Bipartisan letter from Congressional Executive Commission on China of the US
Démarche from the European Union
They protest about the bill of leaving foreigners in HK vulnerable to being sent back for an unfair trial on mainland China and damaging HK’s autonomy



How does it relate to your country?
1. You, your friends and family WILL BE affected when you travel/ work/ exchange in HK

“Foreigners who have committed crimes against China and are in Hong Kong will be arrested and handed over to China.”, as explained by China government.

I am a good person. I won’t commit any crimes. So, I won’t be arrested.

“Inciting subversion of state power” and “picking quarrels and provoking trouble” are two famous laws in China.

2009: Liu Xiaobo, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, were convicted for“Inciting subversion of state power” because of his involvement in campaigns to end communist one-party rule in China. He finally died in prison in 2017.

2010: Zhao Lianhai, who were an activist for parents of children harmed during the 2008 Chinese milk scandal, was sentenced to 2.5 years imprisonment for “picking quarrels and provoking trouble”

If the amendment of bill is passed, the above laws are applicable in HK. That means if you have discussed about Chinese politics or said any one word about Chinese government even in your own country, and after that if you travel to HK, even just for a flight exchange, you can be arrested and handed over to China.

Try to search more issues on Internet, eg: Cultural Revolution, June Fourth Incident, Tibet concentration camps, Ai Wei Wei, and think about whether you are guaranteed to have a fair trial in China.

2. Don’t let yourself become political bargaining chip of China
The US has requested for Meng Wanzhou’s (chairwoman of Huawei) extradition from Canada, while China has arrested at least 3 Canadians in China to threaten Canada.

It is believed that the China-controlled HK Gov proposed such amendment at this sensitive moment is to enlarge the power of China to arrest more HK residing foreigners to China.

This can be a counter measure when China is encircled by international community.

It is completely fine and understandable that you don’t give a shit to freedom and human right of HKers.

But please DO care about yourselves, friends, family and other people who are in the same ethnic group with you.

What can you do?
1. Keep an eye on the issue

2. Support your gov when they express any objections or protests on this issue in the future. They are protecting you.

3. Forward this message.

2019-05-28 17:32:14
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞