
1001 回覆
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2019-03-10 16:50:44
773 vs 351緊係351啦

2019-03-10 16:51:55
又係737 max8 rip
2019-03-10 16:52:17
2019-03-10 16:53:12
2019-03-10 16:53:24
2019-03-10 16:54:58
2019-03-10 16:56:53
唔敢搭737 max
2019-03-10 17:07:53
第二次炒機,737 max 隨時要停飛
2019-03-10 17:09:32
2019-03-10 17:10:33
2019-03-10 17:12:02
2019-03-10 17:16:42
2019-03-10 17:24:28
JT710 preliminary report,
According to the preliminary report, this is what happened after the plane took off.
23:21 GMT - The co-pilot asks an air traffic controller for confirmation of the plane's altitude on their radar display. The pilot then flags up that there is a "flight control problem".
23:22 - The plane's automatic anti-stalling system pushes the plane's nose down for 10 seconds. The flight crew correct this by manually pointing the plane's nose up.
23:22 - The co-pilot asks for the aircraft's ground speed as shown on the air traffic controller's radar display.
23:25 - The anti-stalling system pushes the plane's nose down again, and crew correct this by pointing it up. This sequence continues for the rest of the flight.
23:29 - The air traffic controller notices that the flight appears to be descending. The co-pilot says they have a flight control problem and are flying the plane manually.
23:30 - The crew contact the airport's arrival controller, who tells them to prepare to land back on runway 25L.
23:31 - The crew say they cannot determine the altitude of the plane, because all the aircraft instruments are indicating different altitudes. They ask the arrivals controller to block the air space 3,000 ft above and below them so they can avoid other traffic. The controller approves this request.
23:31 - Contact with the plane is lost shortly afterwards.
2019-03-10 17:25:41
2019-03-10 17:25:59
2019-03-10 17:26:04
2019-03-10 17:30:38
當時FAA 緊急適航指令(EAD)
因為網址有特別符號facebook認唔到,搜尋結果搵FAA 揀faa
2019-03-10 17:32:27

幾撚light 都唔可以好似tpe話cancel就cancel
2019-03-10 17:33:23
2019-03-10 17:35:28
2019-03-10 17:35:59
cx 仲要焗住用廣體機飛
2019-03-10 17:39:23
2019-03-10 17:39:55
2019-03-10 17:41:53
incorrect air speed, 推機頭
2019-03-10 17:42:47
JT710 preliminary report,
According to the preliminary report, this is what happened after the plane took off.
23:21 GMT - The co-pilot asks an air traffic controller for confirmation of the plane's altitude on their radar display. The pilot then flags up that there is a "flight control problem".
23:22 - The plane's automatic anti-stalling system pushes the plane's nose down for 10 seconds. The flight crew correct this by manually pointing the plane's nose up.
23:22 - The co-pilot asks for the aircraft's ground speed as shown on the air traffic controller's radar display.
23:25 - The anti-stalling system pushes the plane's nose down again, and crew correct this by pointing it up. This sequence continues for the rest of the flight.
23:29 - The air traffic controller notices that the flight appears to be descending. The co-pilot says they have a flight control problem and are flying the plane manually.
23:30 - The crew contact the airport's arrival controller, who tells them to prepare to land back on runway 25L.
23:31 - The crew say they cannot determine the altitude of the plane, because all the aircraft instruments are indicating different altitudes. They ask the arrivals controller to block the air space 3,000 ft above and below them so they can avoid other traffic. The controller approves this request.
23:31 - Contact with the plane is lost shortly afterwards.
incorrect air speed, 推機頭
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