I BEAT YOU (140)

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2018-11-29 20:48:44
2018-11-29 21:17:43
Russo Brothers are “done” with Superhero Films unless Disney ask them to make Secret Wars Story

Stormbreaker isn’t more powerful than the Infinity Gauntlet, Thanos was just caught off guard

The Russo’s were asked about a fan theory that Bruce Banner is really Loki in disguise. They answered. That “Loki is dead.”

They talked about involving the Netflix Marvel characters in Infinity War, but they say it was too complicated to correlate story between not only the other marvel films in production but also the tv productions. They decided the best way to tell the story was to keep it MCU.

Red Skull has been on a journey since the events of Captain America. He is now a space to the stones, he is a ghost. They played around with it not being him but they kept coming back to it being Red Skull. The screenwriters, who wrote First Avenger, fought for it.

Cull Obsidian’s sash has nothing to do with Captain Marvel’s, Joe Russo said it was just a coincidence.

They would tell Stan Lee about his cameo before he came to set. Stan never turned down any of their cameos. Stan’s joke on set was “why do I always only get one line.”

When asked about the Spider-Man Homcoming “8 years later” the Russo’s said they didn’t make Spider-Man Homecoming and their film is right.

The Russo Brothers always knew which characters in Infinity War they wanted to be dusted at the end of the film.

Beta Ray Bill has been discussed many times by the Russo Brothers but they could never find a good fit for the story.

The Russo Brothers confirm that the asgardians did lose half their ppl again after the snap.

The Soul Stone has the ability to manipulate your soul and your essence of who you are. Thanos uses the Soul Stone to pull Strange out of his own body when he’s multiple Stranges. Thanos also uses the soul stone to talk to his dead daughter.
2018-11-29 21:17:57
In Infinity War, Thanos says that all the children on Gamoras planet eat well after the purge but in Guardians, Gamora says she was the last of her race. The Russo Brothers were asked about this nitpick and they responded “Who do you believe? Do you believe Thanos or Gamora?”

The reason why the IMAX version of Infinity War is not on home video is “complicated” and reading between the lines it seems like it’s partly an IMAX decision. The Russo’s say that it doesn’t mean that the IMAX ratio version of the film won’t ever be available on home video.

They did three drafts of the film, one draft had Thanos as the narrator of the film and was non Linus’s in structure and had backstories for the Black order. That script was 250 pages. Writing out Thanos narration gave them insight on the character even though it didn’t make it.

They explored other ideas for the final shot but Thanos smiling at the sunset was an idea they came to very early on when the writers realized it was Thanos’ movie. He was serving an idea larger than himself, and that’s why Thanos is a hero in his own mind
2018-11-29 21:48:56

2018-11-29 21:52:46
2018啦, 2019都黎緊
2018-11-29 22:08:14
2018-11-29 22:19:16
2018-11-29 22:27:02
2018-11-29 22:28:45
大家都加 (Hydra) 係名後面啦
2018-11-29 22:35:25
2018-11-29 22:39:21
2018-11-29 22:45:30
2018-11-29 23:24:57
2018-11-29 23:25:27
2018-11-29 23:40:15
下個post可以個數字係出面 hydra係括號入面
2018-11-30 00:05:16
2018-11-30 00:05:57
2018-11-30 02:18:55
2018-11-30 02:26:32
2018-11-30 09:08:14
2018-11-30 09:09:17

2018-11-30 10:07:50
BREAKING: Marvel’s Daredevil has been canceled by Netflix after three seasons and will not return for Season 4.
2018-11-30 10:09:55
好on9 搬晒去disney+啦
2018-11-30 10:10:19
2018-11-30 10:12:17

Avengers 4 Director Says Chris Evans Is Not Done Playing Captain America
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