
532 回覆
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2018-10-15 00:10:30
5毛:Hillary 當選左就會理
2018-10-15 00:10:35
2018-10-15 00:11:54

2018-10-15 00:14:05
人地一有咩損傷 香港就
2018-10-15 00:14:27
2018-10-15 00:14:27
2018-10-15 00:16:17
2018-10-15 00:17:01
2018-10-15 00:17:21

On behalf of the real Hong Kong people that loved our Hong Kong so much, we are now ruining by the China and its puppet Hong Kong government. The China gov is the most evil thing in the world not only for Hong Kong, but also for the US and the whole world. China do not care for the human right, they are good at steal and spying. Do not make any negotiation with them, because ever they give their promise to you, they will never keep their promises. Mr. Donald Trump, please do not stand-back, the US and the rest of world must united together to against this evil gov. God bless America, God bless HK.
2018-10-15 00:18:03
2018-10-15 00:18:40
2018-10-15 00:20:44
2018-10-15 00:21:00
On behalf of the real Hong Kong people who love Hong Kong so much, we are now being ruining by the Chinese government and its puppet Hong Kong government. The Chinese gov is the most evil thing in the world not only for Hong Kong, but also for the US and the whole world. China does not care about human right. They are good at stealing and spying. Do not make any negotiation with them, because even if they give their promise to you, they will never keep their promises. Mr. Donald Trump, please do not stand-back, the US and the rest of the world must united together against this evil gov. God bless America, God bless HK.
2018-10-15 00:21:17
各位巴絲 唔理你依加喺屋企又好 定喺美國領事館 一齊去美國領事嘅Facebook 同 Twitter 留言洗版!
各位鍵盤戰士 出唔到嚟嘅你都可以做到嘢!
2018-10-15 00:21:38
Push Push Push
2018-10-15 00:22:52
On behalf of the real Hong Kong people who love Hong Kong so much, we are now being ruined by the Chinese government and its puppet Hong Kong government. The Chinese gov is the most evil thing in the world not only for Hong Kong, but also for the US and the whole world. China does not care about human right. They are good at stealing and spying. Do not make any negotiation with them, because even if they give their promise to you, they will never keep their promises. Mr. Donald Trump, please do not stand-back, the US and the rest of the world must united together against this evil gov. God bless America, God bless HK.
2018-10-15 00:22:54
2018-10-15 00:23:15
2018-10-15 00:26:01
2018-10-15 00:28:03
2018-10-15 00:28:14
2018-10-15 00:29:08
must unite?
2018-10-15 00:29:20
吹水台自選台熱 門最 新手機台時事台政事台World體育台娛樂台動漫台Apps台遊戲台影視台講故台健康台感情台家庭台潮流台美容台上班台財經台房屋台飲食台旅遊台學術台校園台汽車台音樂台創意台硬件台電器台攝影台玩具台寵物台軟件台活動台電訊台直播台站務台黑 洞